spotting ?

Have you been to A and E hun ? I really think you should go and get checked out , your being treated very unfairly xx
Awww so sorry for you, that doesn't sound good :-( I'd get to your GP or midwife or A & E if I were you, get yourself checked out. xx
It's disgusting the way they've treated you. I had the tiniest bit of brown discharge and didnt even bother calling, I just went straight to the EPU and they put me in a wheelchair to get to the other side of the hospital. Took my obs and gave me a scan there and then. They shouldnt be dismissive.

I really do hope that you're ok. Let us know how you got on hun xx
Hope your ok, get yourself up to A&E, they wont turn u away. x
Hun, you need to get yourself to A & E, they need to see you! Its your health not theirs!! Good luck hun x

Hugs to you x x x
I hope you've gone to A&E hun! We're all thinking of you xxx
Hey hun. Thinking of you. Hope you're ok. Hope you got someone to take a look at you. xx
hi guys thanx for all your messages really appreciate it x sadly my twins grew there wings and flew away on the 4th of december 2010 i spent 5 epu last night and all they done was blood presure no scan no monitor i got left sittin bleeding and clotting for 4 days thank yous for your help advice.and kind words xxxx
:hugs: I am so sorry for your terrible loss and the appalling treatment you received . . Thinking off you xx
So sorry to hear your awful news, i hope you get through this and go on to have another beautiful baby in the future x

I cant believe they treated you like that, its horrible, i know it will be the last thing on your mind right now but i really think you should formerly complain about your treatment its completely shocking

Love and hugs
So sorry to hear your awful news, i hope you get through this and go on to have another beautiful baby in the future x

I cant believe they treated you like that, its horrible, i know it will be the last thing on your mind right now but i really think you should formerly complain about your treatment its completely shocking

Love and hugs
So sorry hun, thinkin of u and hope uve got lots of support around to help you through, uve certainly got us all on here. x
I'm so sorry hunny. It was really shocking the way you were treated. Wishing you all the best that you do get your beautiful babay soon. My thoughts are with you. xxxxxx
Really sorry to hear about your loss, and also saddened to hear about the treatment you received at such an awful time. You should definitely complain when you're feeling better - obviously nothing could have been done to stop your loss but the way they treat women in that situation could and should be changed.
thanx for your kind words ladys means alot and are greatly appreciated x

Shauna youv been amazing already you were a real help xxx

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