split up with other half :(


Mar 24, 2010
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ii'm 34weeks pregnant and split up with the boyfriend last week.. we wasnt really getting on so ii thought it would be better to end it but now ii'm regretting it and want him back.. but ii dont think he wants to no any more :( dont no what to do :/
Aww honey, i'm really sorry to hear this. I think its hard when we're are pregnant because theres so much going on, my oh drives me bonkers and i want to throw something at him, but then i'm ok again. What makes you think he wouldn't want to get back together? I think you should talk to him about how you feel and we are all here for you to talk to xx :hug:
:hug: i split up with my girls' dad 4 weeks before my mini one was due, i spent a lot of time debating it and it was the best thing for us. pregnancy is a very hormonal emotional time, have you spoken to him about how he feels? hope everything works out for the best for you hun xxxx
me and my OH have been on and off since we conceived. we are together now though and alhough we do have some rows ive just sort of learnt to accept his bad bits rather than stressing over them as such?

good luck hope it works out xx
Hope you sort it out - best thing is to talk to him and see if you can work something out. If all else fails blame it on the hormones!
When I'm pregnant My poor OH really gets it for 9mths!!! Perhaps your worrying now that it's done, even if you still think its the right thing.

So it's an emotional time, really think about the real reason that you finished it and if that still applys and on reflection you feel it's not an over reaction to things helped by the preg hormones, and still something that you believe is worthy of finishing this, then maybee you should see how things go without him for a bit? I would keep in touch for the baby sake if possible and leaves the door open later on perhaps. Or if you feel that if is something that could work still , go for it speak to him, blame hormones and emotions.

Good luck X
I feel for you, my boyfriend left me when i was 22 weeks and if im going to be honest i felt like the world was over, not helped by the fact your pregnancy hormones are sending ur emotion into overdrive. Spent a couple of weeks in floods of tears thinking i was never going to get over it then totally out of the blue i started bleeding and got kept in hospital for 5days. everything checked out to be ok and the baby was fine but it didnt half give me the kick up the backside i needed. I had got such a fright but it made me realise that i had much more important things to worry about. Im not sure what ur situation is with the guy kayz but mine now doesnt want anything to do with the baby. So i pulled myself together im the only person that little ones got. Ive only got 6 weeks to go now and ive come to terms with the fact im go be a single parent and i realised we're better of with out him anyway if thats the type of person he is. Point im trying to make is, i didnt think i was gonna be ok with out him but after a few weeks i realised im alot stronger than i thought and altho it does still hurt me, i got so much more things to look forward to. My mum used to tell me it would get easier over time and i didnt listen but she was right. just remember ur go have a gorgeous wee bambino soon . I really hope it works out for you, wether u go it alone or yous sort it out. being pregnant is a scary enough time without the heartache thrown into the mix. wouldnt wish that on anyway. good luck chick

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