

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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Well today i have done my 1st day at my new job and had to stand while i was being till trained and half way through my shift my hips started hurting and now im in agony it feels like my spd is back with avengance and so early on too!!! i had this in my last pregnancy but wasnt diagnosed till i was 27+weeks!!!

has anyone else started with this early???

On a downer now coz im in pain today started going so well as had no sickness!!!!!!!

sorry for the moan

I haven't had this, but I had read about it in a magazine (Take a Break :oops:)
It does sound awful, poor you having to go through it again and from such an early stage. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Is there anything docs can do to help or ease the pain?
mine kicked off around 9 -10 weeks this pregnancy and 33 weeks with Paris. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'll be having physio soon :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: You poor thing, I had it in my last pregnancy, but not till the very end bit. I hope yours doesn't get too bad
not really all the docs do is refere you to the physio dept and they give u exercises and i had crutches last time it used to take me 20mins just to get up the stairs i was in so much pain!!! dreading the rest of my pregnancy now but the little monster is worth it in the end!!!!!!!!
is there anything to indicate a person might be at risk for this? Im asking because ive often had problems with my sacro-iliac joints popping out and sticking one way or another(not pregnancy related)...dont know if that means my hips will fall apart or anything!!!!
ooh sounds painful

i have sacroilliac dysfunction, does this mean i am high risk?

the new and delighful things you find out about pregnancy, well...

hope you can manage the pain or it goes away for youx
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

its where your pubis bone softens too soon(only supposed to soften in labour) which in return cause intense pain in your hips when you walk lie flat on your back getting up stairs. i was given crutches to ease the pressure but mine was that bad i nearly ended up in a wheelchair and i couldnt do the simplest of tasks like washing up dusting cooking( mum used to cook extra and then send some over as she only lived down the road)

Luckily it didnt affect my birth as it seemed to really ease off about 10days before i had my son as it can affect delivery as you find it hard to spread your legs!!!

Were you wearing heels? Maybe it's more to do with your stanse/shoes and position, rather than SPD? It seems a little early but then if you suffered it in another pregnancy, it could just be that.

I know the agony you are going through, I have this and at times I am so sore and stiff I feel like cardboard!

I find taking panadol eases the pain a little.
No i dont do heels at the best of times let alone being pregnant and at work hehe!!! its def the same pain as last time and i still have the pain today!!
The only advice I can give is to stay off your feet as much as possible. When walking, don't take big steps, try smaller ones, no lifting and if you have to walk up stairs, try to see if their is a lift to use instead.

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