question about spd


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I have symphis pubic dysfunction from my previouspregnancy and I had this for 5 years. Now I'm pregnant again and started to notice it more than usually and I like going to gym I know its been adviced to avoid excersise when one got spd, should i worry about this getting worse in my pregnancy ?x
Hi i didnt want to read and run. Maybe as your GP they might be able to do something so it doesnt get worse. It must be horrible for you. xx
Just take it easy, you will soon know when to stop. I'm booked in for physio next week - I dont have it now but last pregnancy Tri 3 was a nightmare with my pelvis I could hardly walk. I'm hoping to nip it in the bud before it starts.....
Hey, how aree you doing now with the spd? I have had this for years from where I used tto carry to many boxees of beer up from the cellar when I worked as a waitress (how I regret it now)... But its a whole lot worse now I'm pregnant, some days are fine, but some are horrifec. What do they do for us in labour when we have severe spd? Is an epidural advised? I'm worried this may 'cover up' the problem and when the epidural wears off I could be even worse than before. ? Xx
i'm having problems with this already as my spd was largely ignored during my last pregnancy. i have been reffered to the physio by my midwife so would probably be a good idea for you to ask your midwife about it
I have been seeing physio regularly since beginning of Feb - I did get it again - got exercices, tubi grip for abdomen and now got a proper maternity belt fitted by physio just last week - no way I can do jump around exercices - even walking is sometimes very hard. It took me 40 mins to walk 2 miles yesterday and at the end of it I felt like I would fall into my sofa and not get up again. Soooo stiff today so just doing gentle walks around town cos my body has been denied regular exercises. My advise to anyone suffering is get to physio early and keep up exercise (gentle) as best as you can!
I forgot to mention that I have been waiting for physio for 2 months as the physiotherapist was on holiday and I was meant to see her today but her daughter was taken ill so I can't see her till may 18th, hence that's why I came on here for advice :( I brought a belt today, but my friend said don't wear it till you see physio as the placenta may lay loww and therefore not good. This tubo grip sounds good though. I need something I can wear at night time I think as going to the toilet at night is when its at its worse. We've just forked out a lot of money for a very good mattress which has made a difference but I need some more support too. Thank you for your help xx I am frightened about my labour a little bit because of this problem :( xx

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