
Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Hi girls, have you or are currently suffering from spd? I went into town yesterday and did quite alot of walking and when I got home last night sat down and I was in total agony and still am! The pain is in my lower tummy region, it's like stabbing pains when I get up out of a seating position, I'm literally crouched over in pain, pain then goes away after around 5min. but I'm ok if I lye down. I rang triage and they asked several questions and they think it's spd and are refering me to a Physio, but she said they may not see as I have this so close to due date. anyone know what I can do to ease the pain? Baby is still moving normally Xx
Didn't want to read and run, I'm having trouble turning over in bed at night and something clicks but not sure what ! Iv explained this to my MW she said if it gets worse to take parracetamol ? Mines not that bad though, XXx
I have pelvic girdle pain which I believe is the same thing and I've had to quit work due to the strain! My job meant that I was stood up all day and bending and stretching and it left me in agony by the end of the day, if I sat down for too long then I couldn't get back up and turning over in bed was sooo painful but lying on the same side meant that my hips would ache! I find that getting OH to massage my back or having a hot water bottle helped as well as a warm bath but not much else helped :( I was also referred to physio, mine was a group session were a woman showed us how to do everyday things but on a way that might make it less painful, didn't really help me but might benefit u so deffo try and chase that up hun. Hope I've helped a bit xxx
I have pelvic girdle pain which I believe is the same thing and I've had to quit work due to the strain! My job meant that I was stood up all day and bending and stretching and it left me in agony by the end of the day, if I sat down for too long then I couldn't get back up and turning over in bed was sooo painful but lying on the same side meant that my hips would ache! I find that getting OH to massage my back or having a hot water bottle helped as well as a warm bath but not much else helped :( I was also referred to physio, mine was a group session were a woman showed us how to do everyday things but on a way that might make it less painful, didn't really help me but might benefit u so deffo try and chase that up hun. Hope I've helped a bit xxx

I spoke to Physio yesterday and they don't want to see me as my due date is very close. So she just told me a few things icervghe phone to do. It's easing up a little since Friday but gosh the pain is terrible! I said to my oh if I can't handle this pain whatvan I gonna be like in labour lol xx
Oh hon, I know just what you're going through, it's awful. I had it with my dd and now. My gp has referred me to a physio, but like you said that they may not want to do anything at this stage.

I find gentle walking helps a bit as long as it's flat, going uphill is hell! A hot water bottle helps too but it's difficult to get it right on the point of the pain. Warm baths are good too for when it gets too much. I find that not staying in one position for too long helps too.

Please don't worry about labour either. By the end of my last pregnancy I could barely walk but during labour I felt nothing from my pelvis. They say the pain comes from the joints loosening so I wonder if that actually helps during labour?

I hope you find something to help with the pain. I wish I had the cure! :hug: x
ive had spd for about 3/4 weeks got pain killers 2 weeks ago, dont touch the pain.
every step bloody hurts, driving hurts.
when im at hm i just sit on my ball as the pain dosnt hurt as much getting up.
in bed its agony rolling over bloody kills.
i got letter for physio appointment... 29 may. im due 23rd.
baths are a god send, but obv u cant stay in a bath all day.
im just like roll on 4 weeks now.
My physio said it may be easier during labor if I'm on all fours so maybe have that as an idea? Also a water birth might be easier for you! I always worry about that! At physio they recommended I get a gym ball too so maybe try that? She said it was better than sitting on a couch or something because u have to keep ur back straight xxxx
When I sit on sofa too long it hurts, where as I can sit on my ball for ages and it doesn't hurt as much
Right ball is on my list to get asap! I def want to try to give birth in an all four position.. mw said to me it's better for you as your not laying on your pelvis etc x hope I can get a water birth but they only have one pool at York hospital so if it's free I'll ask to go in. Also I think baby is well down in the pelvis that's why I'm getting pain too as when baby moves and wiggles it's so painful down there!! see mw tomorrow so guess she will tell me more! Lol xx

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