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sorry if this is soppy.......


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I just want to thank Kim for being a great friend.

She came and stayed over last night again and i really enjoyed it. I feel like we have been friend for years, i can tell her anything, confide in her and never feel awkward about meeting her etc. Rubie was bullying Jack and they all got on well, Rubie took to my OH without a problem to which was a shock!

Thanks to Laura for this forum and the great people who come on here.

Anyway thats it, I was just thinking about how i only spoke to her via PM's as we were due on the same day and now we speak everyday by phone, text, MSN and the forum, and she and Rubie are going to be my bridesmaids!!

Has anyone else made a good friend because of the forum?

Thanks for listening to me drivel on :roll:
altho i have not met her (ill get that boat soon hun) im very close to Katrina(*saulino*) if shes not online i feel down coz i know if she is on shell help with ne problem iv got
and like the other day wen she wasnt online for a while i got all worried especially after everythign with bernie she is one of the closest friends iv ever had
(prob sounds silly as weve never met)
also i met Candice (flossy) the other week i really liked meeting her and hope that we can do it again soon

most people have been great to me and given me great advice i will always be thankful to them people and im sure they know who they are
Iagree. I have made some very good friends here. I am very close to Kina, Kim, Hels and Urchin. I have visited Urchin often and am always texting Kina, Kim and Hels. They don't know how much they have helped me, through listening to me on MSN, or just sending a text checking I'm ok. You guys are the best and have been the best friends anyone could ask for.

I also have made some great mates and enjoy my MSN chats with Flossy, Yvonne, Sami and Emilia, and I look forward to going online to chat with you. This forum has been great and there have been loads of you who I have really enjoyed talking to, and I have made some friends who I hope I will always be in touch with.
Your not soppy! I know what you mean - I have made some good friends on here and not only that it has been great for advice on everything - not just baby stuff.

I know there has been conflict occassionaly but all in all - you are a great bunch. I just wish I could find the time to get on here more often

L x
Beanie has been there through some really tough times for me and she is often the first person I turn to when I need to chat, even though she's a nappy pusher ;)

Have also made some good friends like Kim, Hels, Lucy (I enjoyed our chats when we were pg so much, was great to have someone to talk to) and Emilia.

I'd be lost without my chats (though Matt would probably prefer to have his wife back! :lol: )
Dionne- we are very similar in ways, just open our mouths and say what we think. Honesty is the best policy to an extent! :wink: I just wish she didn't stay so far away. I enjoy our chats on MSN tho. :hug:

Sami, a very calm, cool level headed NUTTER at times :rotfl: , but a lovely girl, who shares the same issues as me with reflux. Grateful for her help and advice! :hug:

Layla, a lovely girl who I love to bits. Truthful, honest and friendly, miss her so much she aint on the forum much now! But enjoy the chats on MSN/email. :hug:

WeeStar-ur name says it all, a friendly lass who I cant wait to meet! :hug:
Iv met some great people. Vicky I met about 6 months ago and If it wasnt for her Id have never had the confidence to go to out local baby group! Kacy and Ella are good friends and its so sweet to see their faces light up when they see eachother :)

Really looking to thursday as were going to music and movement with the babies and we havent been to our usual group for a while becuase its half term, so really looking forward to that and seeing the babies crawl around together for the first time!

Thankyou Laura :) youve made some great friendships happen!
We should do a "nominte a friend"
we should nominate someone off here that has really helped you and been a really great friend/support. Make it a monthly award!

They won't win anything mind.
That's a good idea - I nominate Beanie for letting me cry on her shoulder (ok via MSN, so virtual shoulder) about my grandad and dad last week. Even if she's got her own probs going on she always listens to mine (doesn't have much choice does she lol I just bash away). She always encourages me whether it's about breastfeeding or when I am feeling sick and down. She really cheered me up the days I was housebound because of my maggoty bin! She's a star :D
awwwwww what a nice thread..

yep Kx- i never thought i would ever find another person just like me. lol i think we were seperated at birth. she does crack me up :lol:

Sami is a good laugh too but she is also my shoulder to cry on when im upset shes good with advice.

Tori-ella Shes great fun too. i can chat to her for 10mins and she will have me in stitches the whole time.

Tam. shes so sweet and good on advice and gives me good advice, and she is the only one that understands the "S" word... yoU no what i mean tam? i cant even type the word, sends shivers down my spine

I like Keely alot to. dont chat that often but i like her ways. she is very down to earth

i also chat to loads others on msn an lov them all. but il be here all day saying how much i love u all. but u should no it already...

its sad though when im closer to a few girls on here then i am my friends i see every day
dionne said:
I like Keely alot to. dont chat that often but i like her ways. she is very down to earth

Arr thanks hun!! I like you too, you def seem like the kind of girl i would be friends with if you lived closer!

I miss Hayley17 too as i never see her online alot since she had Owen. (hope you r well hayley)

Fran is cool too.

Kina said:
That's a good idea - I nominate Beanie for letting me cry on her shoulder (ok via MSN, so virtual shoulder) about my grandad and dad last week. Even if she's got her own probs going on she always listens to mine (doesn't have much choice does she lol I just bash away). She always encourages me whether it's about breastfeeding or when I am feeling sick and down. She really cheered me up the days I was housebound because of my maggoty bin! She's a star :D

:hug: aw cheers hun. Anytime :wink:

Speaking of Kim, where is she?? Haven't seen her on here for ages and I miss her!!!!!!!
Awwww thanks Beanie, Karrina and Dionne! :hug:

I have made some great friends on the forum, one of the girls I'm closest to is BubbleOne. She lives round the corner from me and she is totally on my wavelength. She's been there for me at a few really low points and I'm here for her aswell. :hug:

The girls I have met up with, Minikins, Dionne, Ragna, Beanie, Urchin, (to mention just a few as I have met so many now!) and all the girls I chat to on MSN. I love having such a big group of mates I can talk to especially as I have not many people around me I can talk to.

And of course LauraB she always listens to me moan on even when she is busy with work, she never tells me to bog off.

:hug: to everyone xxx
Sami, how is Bubble. I haven't seen her on here for ages and I never see her on MSN. Hope she and Phoebe are ok.
beanie said:
Speaking of Kim, where is she?? Haven't seen her on here for ages and I miss her!!!!!!!

She has been at my house!!
Glad you had a nice weekend Yvonne and Kim! will have to catch up on msn soon, ive been decorating the house all weekend so havent had time to come online much! :)

I've just seen this, only got back yesterday afternoon and been really busy. Thanks Yvonne that really means a lot to me. I'm really grateful for you putting me up even thought you weren't well when I really needed you. I've been having a few problems lately and really needed to offload, so you saved my life this weekend :hug:

Also thanks to Hels, Shona and Kina who are also always there for me when I need someone.

You lot are the best friends I have ever had

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww kim didnt no u were going through a crap time?

hope your ok. its nice to have good friends :D
Keely said:
dionne said:
I like Keely alot to. dont chat that often but i like her ways. she is very down to earth

Arr thanks hun!! I like you too, you def seem like the kind of girl i would be friends with if you lived closer!

I miss Hayley17 too as i never see her online alot since she had Owen. (hope you r well hayley)

Fran is cool too.


thanks keely :hug: your cool too!

i like everyone on here but i live miles away from anyone..:(
so i havent met up with anyone but i appreciate being able to come on and get support when i need it, and even when i;m being silly and neurotic someone will always humour me!!
thanks girls :) :) i'm off out to get drunk now :D :rotfl:

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