sorry i just need to talk about it ...


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Im sorry for taking up space ladies as so many of you need advice more than me, its just its coming up to what would/should of been mine and ians first babies 1st birthday soon and its playing on my mind and bringing things back. I am so lucky to have Alfie and make no mistake i love him dearly with all my heart, but i cant help thinking that had our angel been born then what woul of been. Its bringing the whole thing back and tbh it was horrific i cant go into it but its killing me, will this ever get better, I have something so prescious and if we hadnt mc we wouldnt have alfie now and that upsets me too because god i love him, but will i ever get over our B? that was our name for the baby as we kept the pregnancy secret from friends before we lost B, family knew though but will i ever put my beautifull B to rest in my mind or will i always feel like this.
sorry again
:hug: It gets easier as time goes by. You will always remember but it will hurt a little less.

Its coming up to 3 years since i miscarried my first and i will think about it and have a little sulk for a while but it wont be as bad as the first year.

When you feel a little low, pick up your gorgeous little boy and give him a big cuddle :hug:

It will get easier.
thanks hun, i just leep thinking i would be buying poresents and buying balloons and getting a cake with a big 1 on it but im not but as you said i have my boy ill just hold him even closer to me and thankgod that no matter what had to happen for him to get here hes here with me, and he is perfect, i know i will never forget and it hurts but i should be happy i have a healthy boy i just feel as though somethings missing,
Im sorry for your loss and pain you are suffering.

It must be so hard for you, try to concentrate on what you do have though and like Flame said pick up your gorgeous little boy and give him a big cuddle as im sure that will make you feel a little better.

You will never forget your angel but im sure in time it will become easier. :hug:

p.s. Dont be sorry for needing to talk, we all do at some point! :) :hug:
I know exactly how you feel hun. To be honest I find it very difficult to talk about the ones I've lost but I take comfort in knowing that without them I wouldn't be the mother I am today. I still even treasure the pregnancy test from my ectopic as I have nothing else (my husband doesn't know this) to prove her exsistence and sometimes I sit and weep a little weep but I do know that my little ones are still with me and I find comfort in knowing when I leave this world I'll be passing from the arms of my living children into the arms of my angels.
You will always carry B in your heart and its not wrong to grieve for him/her despite having Alfie but I promise the pain does ease with time :hug:
alfiesmum and to anyone who has experienced similar

take this from me

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww...of course you will remember your first baby! It is a very sad event to go through, even if you do go on to have a lovely healthy baby like you Alfie. Your baby was very real and you will always remember.
You're obviously a wonderful mummy to Alfie, that is shines'll cherish him just that little bit more knowing life is so precious!

Lots of hugs
:wave: hello ,Alfiesmummy,
I know you are still feeling sad about your loss, but it does get easier, My 1st angel, she should be 17years old this September, I shall never forget her nor shall the pain of losing her completely go away, But I know that she is up there with her 2 brothers looking down and watching over me and my 2 boys I have with me now.
I believe the special birthdays are the hardest, 1st, 5th, 16th...etc, But with each day comes strength. It is difficult to justify a loss, but you mustn't feel bad about what might have been, That is not our choice.....I believe your little 'b' made your womb nice and warm for little Alfie who was meant to be with you here. Please take some comfort in the fact that the pain and the 'what if?' will ease in time, and it's really OK to moarn without guilt of thinking 'what if?' In my thoughts Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
thankyou all for your lovely words. you will never know just how much they mean to me , truly :hug:
Aw huni, i didn't even know about your m/c :hug:

I know exactly how you are feeling, my lost angel would have been 1 on 12 Feb and i was all over the shop. I still think about what might have been all the time, but then Alfie wouldn't have his birthday buddy!!

Alfie is just so perfect and your a wonderful mummy.

Sending you the biggest :hug: , if you ever need a chat you can PM me anytime xxxx
I understand Stephanie :hug:

Your love for B will never leave you which means that there will always be an element of pain attached to it but it does get easier to bare i promise. If you ever want to talk just add me to your msn [email protected]
Hun sorry you are going through this. Don't feel bad for grieving for B, its only natural. I can't give much advice as I haven't experienced your pain :hug: :hug: But I do know that time is a great healer. Give yourself some. Sending lots of :hug: :hug:
you'll never forget them but it does get easier, my baba would be 5 now! Dont forget them, they'll always be with you in some way, take comfort from that thought. My Mum lost a child over 30 years ago and still thinks of her from time to time, its perfectly natural.

Grief takes time, its completely different for each person, never deny or hide your grief.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi hun sorry its so late but i know we have been chatting on msn i just wanted to send you big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope your ok and you know where i am if you need to chat :hug:

Just thought ide give you a :hug: sorry abotu your lose hun i know it cant be easy

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