Sorry for posting alot


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
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Ive been thinking about when i get pregnant again and its making me feel really anxious and thats just thinking about it im worried how il cope if i misscarry again an even if everything goes well its just going to be so hard all the way through i already have anxiety an depression due to my mcs which ive mentioned in my posts before, and ive always said having a baby is the only way this hurt will go away but im scared how il cope with another pregnancy. Is this normal
To feel this way? I know some people may say wait a while to get ur head together but il never feel happy till i have a baby so waiting to me feels like just prolonging it all X
Hi there. I haven't had a miscarriage before so I can't really comment too much.... But I do want to say that I am sorry for your loss. Everyone feels and reacts to loss in different ways and if your feel ready to keep trying then, I say go for it. I think it's normal to want to try and to be worried. Even I am worried about having a mc if/when I get pg.

I know some of the other ladies here can help you more than me. I wish you all the best. Oh, and don't apologise for posting ...that is what this place is here for. We all come here for support :)
It's normal hun. I'm terrified of the next pregnancy too. I didn't wait as I just want it to happen so bad now. If that's what you want then don't wait, but at the same time try not to stress as that won't help you get preg (easy to say I know, esp if you suffer depression/anxiety). Try give yourself a little project to do to take your mind off it and relax and hopefully it will happen soon. You're bound to find it hard to cope in the early stages when you do get your BFP. Hope it's just round the corner :hugs: xxx
I've always left it up to my body to decide when its ready to try again... its usually right with the timing.

Having had 4mc, i can only say its bloody hard, but as with most things in life you don't know how strong you are until you have to cope with things, and then you just muddle through it. I had some counselling after the last one which helped a lot.

This 5th pg i have managed a relative calm, but i can't let myself get too excited. I don't think i'll ever "enjoy" the first trimester, but then i don't think many people do. My best strategy has just been to take things one step at a time and focus on the next goal. 1st is to get a bfp, 2nd is to watch the lines get darker, 3rd is the early scan.... etc etc.

When you get pg again, of course you will worry, but allow yourself this. PF is a great place to share this worry too.

A consultant said to me last year that the only woman with rmc that doesn't take home a baby is the one who stops trying.
Totally normal I'm scared shitless about getting my bfp I'm gonna have a melt down I know I am cos last September wen I got my bfp I started to shake realy badly and I couldn't sit still it was horrendous and then the fear kicked in :-/ that pregnancy didn't last more than a week after bfp so I'm going to be even worse the next one cos I've had 2 late mmcs now and one early 4+5 loss but I've just gotta handle it wen it happens n try to stay positive if I can which is going to be reay hard xxx
My counsellor has advised me to take things one step at a time... there's nothing you can do worrying about different worst-case situations that may or may not occur in the future... it's sage advice, even if it can be hard to follow!

But just focus on the here & now if you can.

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage xx
Thank u for ur replys everyone didnt meen to seem rude i jus havent seen your replys for some reason?! I can see theres alot of people feeling the same way i really hope we all get there in the end. Really lovely advice uve all given me too xxx ur all amazin dont no wat id of done without this forum. I think i will do what a few of u said and take one step at a time. Flistebbs im so sorry uve gone through 4 i really hope everythings going well with ur current preg u deserve it so much. seeing peoples sucess storys on here keeps me going too and im feeling more determined and abit stronger these last few weeks. I may also try counselling too. Good luck to everyone xxxx

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