sore swollen finger/face?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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are they something to worry about at this stage or just part of pregnancy??

mine are actually throbbing, and quite sore.

at my last midwife appointment she asked me if I had been getting swollen fingers, and now i am wondering why she was asking?

have been really stressed recently, work has been awful and falling out with OH about housework etc etc (he seems to be getting even lazier than he was before????)

ankles are swollen too, but I always did hold a bit of fluid there.
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Maybe give your midwife office a call and see what they say hun, not too sure to be honest x x
Make sure you put your feet up to try and help with the fluid in your ankles, as well as massaging them. I dont think its anything to worry about, but maybe ask your MW for some advice or info x
I'm sure I've heard of this being a pregnancy related problem before. Don't some pregnant women have to wear their rings on a chain around their necks etc?

If ur concerned contact ur mw, but I'm almost certain its a common pregnancy symptom x

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And now my face is all swollen. It's actually quite uncomfortable? Far too early for preeclampsia so not going to worry about that.

Will see if I'm same in the morn and might call my doctor as midwife ain't working tomorrow

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