Swelling, surely this is too early


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Last night I noticed that I had swollen ankles, really puffy. It was just my ankles and they weren't sore, just swollen.

And today I've noticed that my fingers are also puffy. I've tried to get my wedding ring off, but it's stuck firm. :? It's also getting quite difficult to type which isn't good in my job.

I didn't get any swelling at all with my daughter, but with this one, I already look about 5 months pg, and now this!!!

Surely this is way too early for normal pregnancy swelling. Could it be a symptom for anything else? I haven't seen my midwife since I was 5 weeks, and at that appointment, she did mention that my BP was high. My BP has never been high and I mentioned this to her, but she didn't seem concerned, she just said I must be stressed about seeing her! :shock: I'm never stressed about doctors or anything! :?

any suggestions?
hi tankett hun i had puffy ankles from about 16 weeks whenever id been on my feet a lot :( if your worried about your bp phone midwife and get her to check it for you hun or your gp or practice nurse can check it xxx
Hi i would definatley get checked out as swelling and high blood pressure is a sign of pre eclampsia
Tankett.. sorry for tardy response.. I agree with others.. defo get m/w or GP / nurse to check BP.. I have high risk of pre-eclampsia due to a kidney condition I have and they are always asking me if I have swollen ankles / feet / hands etc ... this is a BP related thing apparently.

Hope all is well.. have you been drinking lots of fluid too?

I'm drinking loads Anna Marie. Must be about 6 cups of tea a day, 2-3 pints of milk, and about a dozen large glasses of orange squash.

I called the midwife centre at the hospital yesterday, and they said to rest loads (easy enough said!!) and sit with my feet elevated whenever possible. She also said to remove my rings as soon as is possible. Looks like I'll be one of those pregnant women with my wedding ring on a chain around my neck!!!! She did also ask me if I was getting frequent headaches and I told her I'd had one constantly for over a week and it wasn't shifting. She said that if things don't improve over the weekend, I am to ring my midwife for an appointment on Monday. So lots of rest for me this weekend.
Try drinking just water... no caffeine, no herbal teas, no sugary drinks etc.... my doc said that all these can affect bp too. Milk is OK but try a little less.. just to see if the water helps at all.

Yes try to take it easy.. book / mags on sofa w/e for you and bean!!!!!

I had terrible headaches for about a week a little while back and so cut out everything except water to drink and they went straight away..

Hope you feel better soon.. xx

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