sooo lucky


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Yes this is a bit of a pointless thread but hey ho im awake at half 4 in the morning so ive not got much better to do!!

Im having a bit of a sentimental moment actually. Ive just been having a peek in TTC because i like to keep up with the girls in there and even though im laying here with horrible back pain, wide awake in the middle of the night dreading work in a few hours it occured to me how bloody lucky we all are to be here!!

My baby isnt even here yet and i love him to peices :)

(ok emotional rant over!) xxx
Aww that's sweet! There's so much to complain about in 3rd tri with aches & pains but your right, it's important to look at the big picture, you'll be a mummy soon and it's the best thing ever. Totally worth every discomfort lol
Awwww I agree hun, we're really lucky. I've just woken up thinking about when baby arrives and then thinking about making up bottles and what life is going to be like :)

You're right hun, sometimes we forget how lucky we are/were to be pregnant, and once LO gets here it only gets better :)
Awww that's so sweet Cherelle! I totally agree with you - I really do feel so happy and blessed to be having this baby and I never want to take that for granted. Our lives are going to change forever (especially for us first time mum's), I can't quite imagine it really but I'm really looking forward to it! xxx
I totally agree, I cant beleive how close i came to not having this baby, I am so glad we changed our minds and started to see the positives instead of the negatives. I am so happy to be pregnant with this baby
I'm Queen Bitch and Moan but feel so blessed to be able to create life. We're very lucky to have conceived so soon again after our MC so totally know what you mean. We are very lucky! Lovely post! Xxx
This is a lovely post cherelle and I also agree - I feel extremely lucky to have conceived so easily and had such an easy pregnancy when there are lots of lovely ladies having a difficult time conceiving sticky beans and others who suffer enormously during pregnancy. I am so so so excited about becoming a mummy :) :dance:
What wise words...

It is rather humbling looking in the ttc forum - and I still do every so often, especially as there are people in there that are still there from when I was in there.

I just hope everyone in there will one day have the same great experience as us :)
:) xxxxx I can't believe your due dates are nearly here girls. So exciting xxxxx
AMEN! haha...
My aunty can't have children; my uncle was snipped after the breakdown of his first marriage, so he had it reversed - they went through 4 cycles of IVF (3 on NHS, 1 private), and recently she has been battling breast cancer that was misdiagnosed for over year and is coming to the end of her chemo. She's only 35!

I may occasionally moan about back ache but I never forget how lucky we are. All of the extra weight I have put on & stretch marks I've gotten will all be worth it :)
This is a really nice post Cherelle. It has made me smile this morning and feel quite emotional, sitting here in bed after being cal several times in the night. You are so right, we are really lucky. It's easy to forget the frustration and worry of ttc now there are other things to plague us like heartburn and backache, but it wasn't that long ago that we were in that position. xx

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