Why cant i sleep!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I thought once i was on mat leave id be able to have a sleep in to what i normally do but instead im waking up even earlier :wall2: ive been wide awake since 3.20 and im really not feeling like i can get back to sleep. Is anyone else having trouble sleeping? Or got any tips to get a better nights sleep? x x
I thought once i was on mat leave id be able to have a sleep in to what i normally do but instead im waking up even earlier :wall2: ive been wide awake since 3.20 and im really not feeling like i can get back to sleep. Is anyone else having trouble sleeping? Or got any tips to get a better nights sleep? x x
yup the same since 2 days :( waking at 1-2 am and can 't sleep :( But I think mine is due because of teh stress to be over the due date :(
yup, and worse because i can't sleep, husband find difficulty to sleep too as each time he thinks I am in labour :( Such a pain!!
Me! I seem to have one good night, then two bad nights! I didn't go to sleep till eleven last night & was wide awake at four :( x x
i know how u feel. Ive been taking a day off midweek as Im so tired. Today is my day off and I was wide awake at 5am!
Forced myself to stay in bed til 7 when OH had to get up for work.
God knows what I will be like when Im on mat leave in a couple of weeks time
Im having the same trouble too hun. Getting to sleep is fine but when I wake up to go to the toilet (usually around 2-3am) I am then wide awake for at least 2-3 hours. This happens every night without fail. I usually manage to dose off again but it just means I'm sleeping in till 10-11am but today is different, been awake since 5am and just couldnt doze back off. Just keep thinking about the birth - thats why I cant get back to sleep lol. If you're having trouble dozing off try clary sage oil - about 6 drop in a warm bath for like half an hour. You've probs heard as well that it brings on labour - I've bathed in it at least ten times and hasnt done anything for me so I wouldnt worry too much about it! It sends me straight to sleep :) xx
thats crazy that your up at that time


I bet your shattered by the time it gets to the afternoon!!

What time do you go to your bed at? Have you tried going to bed a little bit later?

I've been getting this on and off too - worked out it's because I'm hungry. I dont really eat much dinner at night because as the day goes on I get less hungry so I go to bed falll asleep okay but then wakeup anything from 4.30 onwards.

I've actually found if I go and eat something and have a drink it usually works and I can get back to sleep. Also a distraction from just lying there thinking about everything we still need to do before baby comes! :lol:

If you dont fancy actually getting up keep a little snack by the bed and have that x
I read that if you write down all the things you are thinking about then they dont keep you up anymore. Put a pen and paper by the bed, see if it works? xxxx
well there is a reason for that - that's your body getting ready for the sleepless nights, when you'll need to wake up fast.

I also don't sleep very well now - if I wake up to have a drink or to go to the loo, I get wide awake and can't sleep again for some time. But I think it's good - means that if bubba cries at night, I will also wake up easily and will be able to stay awake for as long as needed!
nickynoo yep, I also go for snacks at night :) And then read a book or smth. I hate just lying in bed trying to go to sleep and doing nothing - such a waste of time :)
I've been struggling with being wide awake at 4am some nights.......tend to just get up and watch something boring on tv and then fall asleep on the sofa for a bit before waking and then heading back to bed!......They say u should get up and do something boring don't they?.........Don't seem to get more than 2-3 hours in one go at the mo..........hopefully there's some REM sleep in all that coz that's the important bit of the sleep cycle isn't it?............I keep thinking that no matter how crap my nights are now and how tired I am that it's nothing compared to when LO is gonna be here!!!xxx

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