Something needs to be done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Don't know if any of you have read this? ... 986145.ece

Well this happened just down the road from me, it really is a tragedy. I knew this was coming, I saw Nathan driving like a mad man on monday and mentioned it to my family when I got home, I said 'He's going to end up killing somebody'. 3 day's later he did, his own cousins. My heart goes out to the family, even Nathan, how guilty he must feel.

I really do think something needs doing about these 'boy racers', don't know what, maybe raise the age of driving to 21, or fit cars with those satelite speed control things where you cant go over the limit. Too many people die on our roads because of people racing around.
I too agree, i cannot stand the way some young people drive, but please remember, not all young people drive that way i get very annoyed when people suggest raising the age of driving.....

I passed my test 2 months after my 17th birthday (after at least 2 2hour lessons a week), i was keen to get my freedom!

Had i not been able to pass my driving test my life would be very different i would not have been able to get my job in turn not earning enough money to buy my house with my fiance and go to uni etc

I'm a very careful driver, and i worry about some of the other drivers i see on the road! - Mainly elderly people where i live, so many have caused accidents, not looking properly and thinking they have the right of way over everyone else!

Sorry if i've ranted - just a topic i talk about alot! :lol:
It is shocking that things like this have to happen!
But too many people are labeled 'boy racers' these days. I passed my test at 17, drove a kitted corsa, but was sensible. Yet i used to get pulled over for random spot checks and followed where ever by police just coz of my car.

I do agree with the tracker idea though. Kids need to learn how to be safe! This is happening too often. Too many kids round here kill themselves within hours of passing their test!
I agree with Lisa with the label - people use it too quickly. Not all young people are boy racers and increasing the age wouldn't change a thing, just older people would be causing accidents. I think people aren't prepared enough when it comes to driving and don't know how to handle their car.

I also drove a modified car until someone decided to write it off for me and my new car is probably considered "boy racer" too.

My thoughts are with the family :(
First off, feel sorry for the family and all involved, never a god thing to hear! :(

But, changin the limits of things wont make much of a difference.

Making the age higher doesnt change the lack of experiance etc thats taught, for example in some european country you'rs taken on a skid pan along with other similar tests to show you have good car control. I know plenty of older drivers who are worse than the younger ones.

Limiting speed wouldnt make any diference either, speed only makes things worse, a lack of it wont make bad things go away!

I hate the term boy racer, its used to easily, i used to get harassed by police when i was younger for no reason and also got labelled with it. :roll:

No offence meant - but i dont see it saying anywhere that he was speeding or anything? quite easily for someone just to step out, how many times have we all almost hit someone from doing similar?

Dont get me wrong, im by no means an angel behind the wheel of a car sometimes, so im not judging anyone.
xJodieLoux said:
fit cars with those satelite speed control things where you cant go over the limit. Too many people die on our roads because of people racing around.

ITA :clap: I think we should have them speed things fitted to all cars! Then there would be no worries about people speeding as they would be unable too! No road rage as people would be all driving at the same speeds etc!
I also agree that most youmg drivers are sensible drivers but then those idiot drivers go ruin it for everyone! And its not just young age! My BIL is a tosser driver and he is 36! And OMG elderly drivers scare me more tbh! They might not go fast but can be so dangerous!! :shock:
I think cars in general just scare me hahaha I was fine until my sis got hit while waiting to cross the road!

I feel for the family though! :(
I know raising the age wouldn't be fair on those who do drive sensibly, so that would be a bad idea really.

Actually, when I think about it, round here about 5 years ago there were police cars patroling all the time and now I never see any cop cars! I think if there were more cop cars out and about it would put people off speeding and these boy racers would be caught before somebody gets hurt.
What a shame for the poor family of these girls. My elder sister was 12 when she got run over and died (not by a boy racer) and things like this hit home, its awful.
I honestly think boys/men shouldnt be allowed to start driving till they are 19 and girls stay at 17.
hennaly said:
I honestly think boys/men shouldnt be allowed to start driving till they are 19 and girls stay at 17.

I disagree, you can not label all men/boys in the same catogry.


How can you feel sorry for the driver when it was his fault :think:
He knew he was drIving in a dangerous manner so of course you run the risk of this happeneing.
Feel sorry for him my a**.
Morganuk said:
hennaly said:
I honestly think boys/men shouldnt be allowed to start driving till they are 19 and girls stay at 17.

I disagree, you can not label all men/boys in the same catogry.


How can you feel sorry for the driver when it was his fault :think:
He knew he was drIving in a dangerous manner so of course you run the risk of this happeneing.
Feel sorry for him my a**.
true i know but and at the end of the day if they are going to drive like idiots they are likely to do it with or without a licence :think:
Its not just guys that drive like idiots, its females too. Where I stay there are a fair few that drive like complete morons - male and females.

Also its not just the younger generation. I had my car written of by an older guy in July. He must have been about late 40s/early 50s and he was arrested on drink/drugs suspicion and its going to court. Just didn't reach the papers like it awlays does with the younger lot.

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