Damien Hirst

Misslarue, I think noone has called you a philistine (apart from yourself, that is). And whether you've got an art A-level or not is neither here nor there, I'm largely self-taught when it comes to art, and even dropped it at school, but I don't think that makes my opinion any less valid than if I had a formal education in fine arts.

As I said earlier, Hirst has proved his talent to produce classic painting in different works, and to be honest, I wouldn't even know where to start if I wanted to pickle a cow, so I wouldn't say anyone could do it. Neither would I hang a pickled cow in my living room, but not all art is for home-use I guess.

Btw, Munch was dismissed as not being talented by his contemporaries, as he didn't go for the photorealistic style.
widowwadman, I know that no-one apart from myself has called me a philistine, thats my point! I do understand how certain art can be hard to appreciate. The whole thread was about if anyone else saw it like me, or am I really just a philistine! :lol:
Also I don't think your opinion is any less valid, apolygies if you felt that way. It was over a decade ago that I was at school. A lot has been forgotten since then and has little relevance to my opinions now!

You might not be able to pickle a cow, but if you'd like to try your hand at a fish
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... Id=1698825

:lol: :lol: I hope you take that in the jest it was meant! :hug:
widowwadman said:
Art is about getting people to talk.

Thats exactly the point I don't get. I see art as something you want to look at.
This idea of "if it gets people talking then thats a good thing" is complete rubbish because the reason why people are talking about it is because alot of people think its tripe while others love it and they clash giving the artist a name and seemingly, a fortune!

The sculptures I get, the pictures I don't im afraid..
Misslarue: No offence taken whatsoever, I'm actually enjoying the discussion :)

Shiny Happy People: You've got a very fin-du-siecle point of view there. Which I guess is fair enough, personally I'd find the art world quite boring if it was just about things which are nice to look at.

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