Dad At 13yrs! Pg 4 link 2 parents to triplets at 17!

Baileysmummy said:
How would any of you like it if it was YOUR child in this situation, You would be fuming if you thought people was blaming YOU :lol:

I wouldn't actually, I would be too busy blaming myself. Then I would want to give myself a good kick up the arse for giving permission for them to sell their story to the Sun.
beanie said:
Baileysmummy said:
How would any of you like it if it was YOUR child in this situation, You would be fuming if you thought people was blaming YOU :lol:

I wouldn't actually, I would be too busy blaming myself. Then I would want to give myself a good kick up the arse for giving permission for them to sell their story to the Sun.

:think: I wonder how much they've made out of it so far. Plus add on all the freebies they've most likely been given.... :think:
beanie said:
Baileysmummy said:
How would any of you like it if it was YOUR child in this situation, You would be fuming if you thought people was blaming YOU :lol:

I wouldn't actually, I would be too busy blaming myself. Then I would want to give myself a good kick up the arse for giving permission for them to sell their story to the Sun.

Totally agree :clap:
If Dan became a father a 13, yes without a doubt I would blame myself. As far as I am concerned I would have failed him.
Baileysmummy said:
I dont blame the parents either.. How would any of you like it if it was YOUR child in this situation, You would be fuming if you thought people was blaming YOU :lol:

If it were my child I would be sad that he had gotten himself, a young girl and a newborn baby into this situation.
I dont think I would be fuming about what people thought of me, I dont think at that point I would care.
My baby would have a baby and thats what would consume me.
I tell you something, if any of my boys give a girl a baby then they will be responsible for it! I wouldn't let him just waltz off and leave the girl to it! If he was man enough to plant the seed he is man enough to look after that child for the rest if his life!!

It really annoys me when the lad just thinks he can walk away, at least that kid is saying he is going to be a father (for now!)
very alarming how two other teenage boys have come forward saying they could be the Dad too! :shock:
zebrastripes said:
Benefits are invaluable as a means to an end or as an emergency measure. It's when people see it as an actual lifestyle that the problems arise.

Ditto! Well said Zebrastripes!
beanie said:
Baileysmummy said:
How would any of you like it if it was YOUR child in this situation, You would be fuming if you thought people was blaming YOU :lol:

I wouldn't actually, I would be too busy blaming myself. Then I would want to give myself a good kick up the arse for giving permission for them to sell their story to the Sun.

Same here.
Apparently though ( and this is only what I've gleaned from not too reliable sources) it seems to be the boy's dad who was seeing wee £££ signs.If it's true....
Nice. Exploiting your son and grandchild.
beanie said:
Baileysmummy said:
How would any of you like it if it was YOUR child in this situation, You would be fuming if you thought people was blaming YOU :lol:

I wouldn't actually, I would be too busy blaming myself. Then I would want to give myself a good kick up the arse for giving permission for them to sell their story to the Sun.

Id be wondering were the hell I went wrong as a parent!!!! and most certainly wouldnt be showing off how crap a mum I had been by going to the papers!!
minxie said:
very alarming how two other teenage boys have come forward saying they could be the Dad too! :shock:
tehy probaly only saying it for money however i agree the boy wants a dna to be sure
Im 21 and almost ready to give birth.

I was 20 when i got pregnant and I was absolutely terrified about telling my dad. My dad openly admitted that he was dissapointed in me.

Mum and Dad have always always promoted marriage before kids. They have been together since they were 15, married since they were 23 and parents from 26. They have always been supportive and I was NOT allowed boys to stay until I was 18 and in a serious relationship - even then he was on the floor lol. However they have also bought me up to deal with my mistakes, and unless medical I would not have an abortion and both my parents were proud of my decision.

My bf and I are now privately renting a 2 bedroom house and along with rent council tax and bills this gives us a grand total of about £1500 to pay out a month. Im now on maternity leave and earning next to nothing, this just about pays my car loan, car insurance and my phone bill. My bf is left to pay all the bills which of corse he has no problem doing.

My OH also pays child support for his son which is about £240 a month.

We arent left with much at the end of the month but we are learning to get by, we dont claim anything from the government but must admit once baby comes along we probably will need a little bit of help until I go back to work in Nov/Dec.

Even then childcare is SO expensive (about 800/900 a month) it makes u wonder if there is much point in going back to work for 300 a month.

When we were going into rented accom - when we realised how expensive it was, we applied for help from the council... we didnt have enough points to even get on the list... it really wound me up. My friend has just been housed - how - they lied on the form. It seems thats the only way.

It really makes me angry that people get pregnant just to get housed etc the system is so mucked up.

My other friend has 1 year old twin boys and are still fighting to get moved into a 2 bedroom.

Sorry this turnt into a rant lol xxx
joust fancied quoting what i said in 3rd tri :D
i feel uncomfortable replying to these threads about young parents as i came home at 16 pregnant and had my son at 17, i also had a few friends who were 15 and pregnant when i had my son i also ran a young parent support group before i moved, i do think it odd that this girl slept with this boy as he looks very young, i would of never dreamed to go for a younger guy when i was her age let alone sleep with someone who looked that young,
"slept in her bed with her parents consent!"
well i'd have to say that the parents practicly alowed the daughter to get pregnant however this girl oviously would of gone and slept with guys in the street or a dark alley etc... so what would you do in that situation? me i'd put locks and bars on every window and door of my daughters bedroom and NEVER alow her to go out except to skool :lol: :lol: but how realistic is that?
i just wanted to add something else just becasue she has had a baby young doesn't mean she will be a bad parent and i think the same goes for this 13 year old if he is the babys dad, given the right education and parenting courses etc... i believe this boy will be a great dad but i think he needs to grow up alot and quickly (my personal view tho from seeing him in the video)[/quote:2yogpbdw]
The parents of triplets at 17, i can't see what's the problem? If i was pregnant with triplets i'd want my hubby at home to help support me and help me get into a routeen for a good few months then once i felt confident with the babies on my own i'd want him back at work and the only way for hubby to do that would be to be on benifits, surely with triplets you'd want as much support as possible and being on benifits doesn't make them bad parents or bad people at all they both simply want to support each other as having triplets will be hard as well as having a tot :D and also we should all remember atm this remission is making it hard for anyone to find a job :? ok i think if they didn't want any more children they should of used some form of contraception but it's happened now hasn't it and i commend them for facing up to their responsibilities, who cares how old she is she could be 30 and in the same situation and no one would of judged her Like they do now :? sociaty these days really gets my goats up just cas people have children young doesn't make them bad parents
I don't think young parents = bad parents at all. What I do think though is that it is terrible a 13 year old boy has become a father. He may turn out to be an absolute fantastic father but it is a shame he has to find out.

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