Something bothering dh :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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I don't know what it is because he won't tell me but he has been so off with me. Everytime I say anything I get my head bitten off for nothing. He's always done this when something is doing his head in but he won't ever tell me! It'll come out at some point when he'll have a full blown row with me and it'll be something stupid but I can't put up with him like this! He usually so loving but he's just not affectionate towards me at all at the moment. I asked him last night what was going on and he just said nothing. I asked him if he still loved me because the way he was speaking to me was like he hated me but he said he loves me more than ever. I just don't know what's going on with him right now but I feel so unloved by him. I don't know what to do :(
My DH gets like this when he is stressed and worried about something else and trying not to take it out on me. Normally it is when he is getting stressed with his work. So it is probably not you that is the problem. It is hard I know :hug:
Yep my OH does this too - he goes really quiet and surly, spends most of the evenings in a different room doing god knows what, but when I ask him whats wrong its nothing! Hes usually really affectionate so its wierd when he does this, but it ALWAYS ends up being something really silly or just work stressing him out and then its back to his normal lovely self :D

Ive learned that the best way to stop these episodes becoming more than they should be is to leave him to it until he's ready to tell me whats wrong.

Hope he spills soon!

Jax x
Hiya hun, my OH is exactly the same sometimes. Last week he seemed really distant and stuff but he wouldnt tell me why, when I asked him it was like I was nagging him so we argued and he said he's just stressed at work and he was being quiet with me and Josh cos he was scared he would take it out on us. Dunno why he couldnt tell me that before we argued lol :roll:

Maybe you need some nice time together, go out for something to eat or to the cinema one night. That always makes me and Daniel closer :hug:
my oh is the same too...i usually get it out of him in the end, but its always when something is playing on his mind or upsetting him....tell him how you feel and how its affecting you and that relationships are based on talking to eachother n trust that usually gets it out of alan...he usually keeps it bottled up cause he dosnt want to put his worries on me but they dont realise that they put it on us acting like that anyway
Thanks girls! Nice to know it's not just my dh! Kirsty we went out for a meal last night and during that he was fine and we had a good talk but when we got home he just went back into his mood! He's just text me saying he loves me so he's being nice again. I just wish he'd say look it's work or it's so and so but he just goes off on one of these moods and makes things worse. Men!! :lol:
And if your anything like me you start replaying things over in your mind thinking "have I offended him?, have I done something wrong?, is he going off me?" !!!!!!

Why dont they understand that we think this? Mind you expecting a man to undertsand how we think? Waaaaaaaaaaay tooooo much to ask lol
Yes glitzy gone through all of that in my head and even asked him last night if he had gone off me :lol: That's when he said he loved me more than he ever has. They're just a pain in the bum at times aren't they? Wouldn't be without him though :D
I put up with my OH cos although sometimes he's a pain, I know Im even worse :oops:
When T get's like that I just make him his fav food (home made lasange) and give him a beer and stay out of his way.

He soon cheers up :D
Well no idea what it was but he's fine now. Got home from work and was so lovely again. He snapped at me a bit but said sorry straight away and said he was tired. We had a lovely snuggle in bed and a laugh so all is back to normal! And men say they don't understand women pfft :lol:

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