something about me i bet you wouldn't have guessed...


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Just a random question really...

I found out before I left work that a girl in my office knits and sews at home and makes her own hats and clothes. It's a perfectly normal thing to do but I never expected her to do it.. if that makes sense.

I shocked the people in my office when I said I did a motorcycle maintenance course at college (god that's such a boy thing to do :roll:).

I shocked nat's friends and my family by enrolling on an evening cookery course and enjoying it that much I booked another term.

What have you done that is different to how people think you are?
leckershell said:
What have you done that is different to how people think you are?

Had another baby (I wasn't the type to have one let alone 3!) and vote conservative!
Well to all my old mates at school id have ended up in Jail or dead. When I contacted a few they were amazed to find I was married and had a family of my own and not the screwed up delinquent they thought I was :D

Loads of people are surprised when I mention my kids - they all think im out every other night - how wrong are they!
well, hav a baby for a start- i was the most unlikely mother everrr! i was the one female who did NOT leap up from my seat and swarm around a baby when someone at work brought in their new arrival- i just had no interest whatsoever :oops: i was far too busy partying all the time and i would never hav thought in a million years that one day i might get poo'd on, wee'd on and vomited on and not be utterly horrified! :lol:

also, i think some might be suprised that i used to do thai boxing. i kicked ass as well my teacher was well impressed with me
u wouldnt think it to look at me im small and skinny (well not quite so skinny since milliepops) and i look about 12 years old
im really slim and small too, but i can run. I ran for my school and won lots of awards. I dont even walk fast now-a-days so OH dosent beleive me. lmao.

i used to party and take lots of 'bad' drugs. Ive never looked the type - 'butter wouldnt melt' so they say. (done almost 'everything') :oops:

also my 24. and also look about 12. lmao. :lol:
I don't think there's much about me that would surprise anybody really. I never imagined myself that I'd be the first out of my group of school friends to have babies though - let alone having 2 before any of them are even pregnant! I was never very maternal and didn't think babies were cute lol.

Other than that, no nothing really.
Well apart from my last post I guess none of you knew that Iused to run for the track team for my school once - I couldnt do it now even if i tried :cry:
A few surprises there, belly dancing especially, that sounds cool 8) Will be fun checking in on this thread, great post leckershell :D

I have a rainbow past and often love letting something slip you just know that person wouldn't have expected :lol:

Just some are;
I own a tortoise, tarantula's and a preying mantis.
I have an MA.
I used to work in a Taxi Rank.
Used to be into falconry with my Dad and owned birds of prey.
erm... think the thing that people find surprising the most about me is i have a high IQ and been published in 2 books (once for poetry)... people usually form their opinions of me based on where i live and what kinda past i have etc lol

jus read that back and it sounds a bit big headed, its not! :lol: i never talk about it, and ive been hit ont he head a few times since then :rotfl:

or.. ive been stabbed twice, that seems to surprise people :?
Loads really, the fact I turned out slim and tall when I was a bit porky as a kid, was a bit of a deliquent and never bothered much with school work. So they'd be shocked to here that I've got a kid and another on the way, plus a high paid job my own home etc.

Plus I stitch which would make them shocked too
I used to own a Vietnamese pot bellied pig
Most people here know I was also a scuba diving instructor.
I still teach kids snorkelling at work.
I had dreadlocks for about 8 years and was vegetarian for 11 years.
oh gosh I don't know if there's anything I haven't already told you guys, atleast nothing that would surprise you :lol:

Great thread though!
:rotfl: I do Line Dancing And did while I was 9 months preg :rotfl:
Everyone used to laugh and wonder how I managed it. :cheer:
there isn't much i don't think! :lol:

um... i've had 22 jobs??? lol
I sailed in the Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht race in 2002 with Formula 1 yachts. It's the worlds most notorious offshore race. We completed 7th out of 52 boats :dance: , but all arrived at Hobart with the first stages of hyperthermia. (I still managed to celebrate with a pint of champagne though). :D
wow some suprises there :D

i used to swim for south london under 21 team when i was just 15.

used to be on a shooting team with top score of 98%

my dad cut my finger off when i was 5 :shock: (was accident i promise lol)
paradysso said:
my dad cut my finger off when i was 5 :shock: (was accident i promise lol)

Blinkin norah!!! Bet he never forgave himself for that!
I used to work for Honeywell Avionics in Basingstoke fixing electronic components in all those lovely aeroplanes you people like to fly in... :)

Also the knitting thing... I'm this sorta dark gothic type person who knits pink bootees... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Its a bit of an oxymoron.

I'll keep everything else secret :shhh:

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