Someone please tell me this is normal! (very heavy period after miscarrige)


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2013
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Hey ladies,

It's been about 5 weeks since we said goodbye. I started bleeding on Sunday, it wasnt heavy at all, in fact I had sex the day before so I assumed it was just that.
By Tuesday it's been endless, I'm changing my pad every couple of hours, and even then it's still leaking through my clothes. I'm pretty sure I didn't even bleed this much with my m/c. It's very clotty too.
I was pleased at first, first thing I did was check my ovulation dates ;) but now I'm just freaking out. It's not slowing down, it's literally like a tap, and its very painful too. Sorry is this is slightly grizzly lol.

Basically I feel like I'm miscarriging all over again?

Please tell me this is normal? I don't know why but I feel very scared...
So sorry for what you have been through.. i also went through this in april last year. it is totally normal to have a heavy bleed as everything that was going to be used for helping the development of baby has to come away. lasted a week and half for me then a few weeks later i had my monthly cycle. if you start feeling weak or unwell id speak to your dr as it may be effecting your iron xxx
Hi sorry for ur loss, I have heard a first af after a mc can be quite heavy xx
i've read it can be normal....but I guess with the original mc bleed if it gets so heavy you are soaking through pads in a short space of time for days you should get medical advise - maybe call 111?

i was expecting a super heavy period after my mc in November, but all I got was 3 days of browny cm with a few hours of very light red on day 2!
I passed clots with my first period after the mc, but it was only a tinier bit heavier than usual. Fx it calms down soon, but if you're still changing frequently I would suggest talking to your gp xx
yes do keep an eye on it Chloe- if your soaking a large pad in 20 mins or less and things are not stopping, I would go and see someone. although not the period after, but I ran like a tap after my 12 week mmc, and it didnt stop, but I didn't know what was normal, and had D&C booked a few hors later at 7am so I waited, and then eneded up in a diff hosp having blood transfusions at 4am! (it is dangerous to bleed too much)

hope it eases , your body is making good linings there , prob to recover you from mc, it will get there X
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