Someone help please!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I am suffering from a very large pile sorry if tmi but I am in agony I cannot walk as it is now external and despite using germaloids not shifting. I have switched to sudacrem as that seems a little better but does anyone have any tips to help with the painful swelling??
I was reading my pregnancy book the other day and it said to have warm baths 2-3 times a day!! I don't know know what else helps though x x
i know this really gross but was it an inny that came outy if so push it back in and the pain goes it the only advice i have as this is all thats ever happened to me never had an outy one
my book says witch hazel packs (goodness knows where you can buy these from) or ice packs may help.
it was an inny that came out spent yesterday pushing it back in and think I made it worse as its now bigger and angrier so maybe it was an outy all the time and I just thought it wasnt agony is a new word for me
ooouch, cold compress might work, like a cold flannel on it to try n numb the pain,

good luck hun

i havent got any advice whatsoever, just really want to tell you i feel very sorry for you. i had constipation for about a week and TMI thought my guts were going to come out and that was sore for a couple of days, let alone an actual pile! it must be horrid! x
Its horrid I hope none of the other ladies get them argh its embarrasing i walk like i have pooed myself!!
Ice!!! Put some ice in a sandwich bag and tie it (saves leaking) then
Wrap a flannel or cloth around it so it's not too cold straight away on skin and just press it against it first thing in the morning and then again in the evening it works hunni xxxx hope you feel better soon xxxx

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oh no poor you I had one last month ouch I did the cool ice pack to but sat on a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel til i feel asleep, also my midwife said and this is true but I never done it, when you need a poo go in a hot bath and do it!!!! i have heard that helps as doing a poo was horredous for me the pain was terrible xx
I have had the same problem (still have 2 of them). When I got the first one my midwife told me to use Anusol (you can get it over the counter)which helped but when the second one came it was so painful I didn't know where to put myself.

I spoke to a doctor the next day and she suggested putting ice on them throughout the day, this helped at the time but when the numbness had worn off it was just as painful.

I suffered for another day and in the end went to see another doctor who told me to use Vagisil (a thrush cream you can get over the counter) it is 2% Lidocaine which is a anaesthetic, he told me it was safe to use in pregnancy to apply it morning and night (8am and 8pm) and use the Anusol between.

After doing as the doctor said for 2 days I was running around after my 2 year old little man as usual with only a little tenderness when wiping, the piles are still there now but a lot smaller and not causing any discomfort.

I hope this helps, I never realised how painful piles could be so have so much sympathy for you, hope your feeling better soon and good luck for the birth.

Kind regards
Thinking about it when I developed thrush or what I thought what the start of it my doc prescribed me a 1% anti fungal cream that could be used fe thrush too and I haven't Hurd much from piles since xx

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Kellylou, I feel your pain, a few weeks ago I had to ring out of hours gp because the pain was so bad! This sounds silly but has it gone really tight and to hard to "push back in"?? Mine turned out to be a thrombosed pile which means it was full of blood clots, it actually burst (tmi) but when it did the relief was amazing! Maybe go to your doctor, I know it's embarrassing but they have seen it all before. I had never been in so much pain in my life :)
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Thanks for that i havent tried pushung it again its so painful too touch and its shaped like a peanut do u think i should try and push it too ssee if it could be what u suggest?
Mine was exactly the same mote like ........ A cashew nut shall we say lol (tmi sorry) i tried to push mine back in but it was far to painful because all the blood had clotted in it so it would of probably done more harm! It's basicaly a vein from the inside that has become strangulated, they are so much more painful than regular piles and trust me I used preperation H, anusol, germaloids, getting in a hot bath then holding an ice cube to it and repeating the cycle, the only thing that relieved it was when it popped a little it felt alot better and it wasn't until I had little one that they really calmed down! :) x hope this helps

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time to venture to the docs and get my ass out then!

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