Some urgent advice please ladies...

You sound just like me, though I haven't had as many symptoms but my boobs feel heavy and I just feel different even though I'm not tired or nauseous. I tested with an ebay ultra sensitive test this morning, but I am not due until next Tuesday, so I got a bfn. I was fed up but like the others have said, it could be too early so I'm holding off testing again until next week. I may even just wait to see if AF shows up when she's due. I've got my fingers crossed for us all this month!! :pray:
Hi everyone,

Feeling more positive today...and a bit sicker. I need to remember that just coz I'm not throwing up and have a bit more energy it doesn't mean I'm not pg....plenty of people have no symptoms before they find out.

I'm holding out and not testing til the weekend....I resisted the temptation to buy some more First my mum says if we are pg then there are better things to spend our money on.

Good luck everyone - congratulations on the bfp Anna.....fingers crossed I join you at the weekend.


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