Some urgent advice please ladies...

it sounds like an IB to me! good luck hun :hug:
some people also get spotting the week before AF arrives... i hope its not that tho!
i think is why some people dont relaise they are pregnant as they see spotting and have af cramps and htink its a weird light af - i'd say this is looking really hopeful for you suzikat!!!!! :pray: :pray:
Hi Ladies....just thought I'd give you an update. Woke up this morning at about 5.30am feeling sooooooo sick :dance: It carried on until about 3pm and comes and goes.

Not had any more bleeding but still getting lots of mild aches and pains. Plus I noticed that I got really, really bad burps and trapped wind after my fizzy water at lunchtime. Plus I have spent the whole day yawning!

I am about 99.9% sure that we've done it but I haven't tested yet. I might test tomorrow morning though. I think I read that the hormone that the pg test detects doubles in the 24hrs after implantation and I wanted to give it time for my levels to rise before I I didn't want to waste another test on a bfn!

Wow....we seem to have had loads of bfps in the last few days as well.....finger crossed I can add to the august count over the next couple of days. Thanks to everyone for all the help and support over the last day.....I love this forum :hug:

Well.....I did a First Response this morning with fmu and got a big fat negative! :(

My logical brain says that it is still too early, that my HCG levels just need to build up and that I still have all my symptoms and of course that its not over til the witch arrives.

My illogical brain is so upset. First Response is meant to tell you upto 5 days before your af is due and mines due sunday and it should tell me....maybe I am imagining all this and I'm not pg. :( I feel it and have spoken to a friend and my mum who both say have you got a bfp and I say no and they say oh...wait until you do. I know they are right. I just want my bfp!!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant. Best get myself off and ready for work. Thanks for listening girls.

:hug: :hug: I vaguely remember when I looked at the stats for the early response test that only around 50% of women got a positive 5 days early so there's still lots of hope for you :hug: :hug:

Edited to add I found these stats for early response after a quick google
First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test detected the hormone levels in 69% of the women who use the pregnancy test 4 days before their expected period.
It detected 83% of the pregnancy hormone levels 3 days before their period,
and for 1 to 2 days before your period it boasts a 93% detection if you use their pregnancy test.
Come on Suzicat, positive mental attitude!

You should wait 2 days and try again, your hormones double every 2 days so that will give you a chance to get more of a build up. I really hope you are this month, you deserve it xxx
Suzi, my af is also due on sun but im not using my clearblue unti. my cheapies are showing decent lines cos they are still really faint. Those 4-day early tests can detect an early pregnancy but it doesnt mean they will. I know mine wouldnt show yet but im fairly certain im pregnant now.
Hi everyone....thanks for the encouragement.....I'm trying to stay positive.

I had loads of symptons yesterday...felt really sick most of the day and felt really tired was 99% sure we'd caught the egg....I spent the afternoon yawning at my desk. Today I don't feel sick at all and not tired either. I know I shouldn't worry so much. I'm going to wait until Friday or Saturday to test again. I only have a CB digi left and should really wait til Monday to use that.

Good luck everyone....I think there's 3 or 4 of us waiting on a strong possible. Baby dust for everyone.

It is sounding good all the symptoms :) like ejjie says positive mental attitude. I have everything crossed for you. :pray: :hug:
Suzicat, please be pregnant cos Zoltar gave you the same answer as he did for me.....clouds of uncertainty,if you are it holds out some hope for me :D xx
:hug: just wait a couple of days hun don't give up hope xx
Aw, i got my fingers crossed for you. i did a early response 4 days early and although i got a line, it was so faint i doubted it myself to begin with.

:pray: you have caught the egg

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