heyy need advice please :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2012
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my last period was 8th of december, i has unprotected sex on the 24th of december, and i think i ovulated on the 26th, my cycle is usually 31/32 days long, but i have a number of pregnancy symptons, eg: noticeable blue and purple veins everywhere, mild cramping even thou i never get cramps, even more tired than i usually am, i had a spot of bright red blood about 5 days ago and have slighty darker, bigger nipples (sorry) and had quite bad gas both ends recently. do you think im pregnant? had no pos tests yet thou
It sounds like from your dates that you would be around DPO 10 (days past ovulation) most tests say wait until 14 DPO and some such as the first responce can detect at 11 onwards.

So You could be pregnant and not positive on the tests yet. (Check the blurb on your tests as some are not very sensitive at 25miu some are super sensitive at 12- 10 miu.
Id keep testing for a few days yet.
Good luck
X Daisy
thank you. ive taken a first response and clear blue today both negative but ordered some 10miu off amazon :) x
Let us know how u get on hun, sounds promising.xx
If you think you might be pregnant (and it sounds good from the signs) then wait a couple of days and re-test.

Also, the cheaper 10miu ones, while they're sensitive, not everyone gets a positive on them despite being pregnant so keep a couple of brand tests just in case.

All the best. :)

still no positive this morning feel pregnant, body temp has raised last three days thou :) even my best friend thinks im pregnant xx
so period is due today and nothing so far, so have to wait and see :) xx
Good luck bonnie fx for you!! Let us know how you get on :) xx
how exciting, bonnie!! good luck! fingers crossed for you!
got really watery stringy blood tinged discharge? not like period usually is. done some cheapy 10miu tests of amazon. no pos xx
Sure does sound good. First thing I noticed was increased wind from both ends lol....got a neg on 12dpo then a faint pos 15dpo....fx
got really watery stringy blood tinged discharge? not like period usually is. done some cheapy 10miu tests of amazon. no pos xx

You may just have a to wait a few more days hun!

Fingers and toes crossed for you

now got nothing, gonna wait till end of week then go docs xx

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