Soft cheese...


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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I thought u could have soft cheese if it was pastuerised, so I had cheesecake for pudding last night, while my pregnannt friend had xmas pud because the cheesecake had soft cheese in it
so now I'm confused :wall2:
... and concerned as I can't get enough of philedelphia... when there is a tub of it in the fridge I cannot get enough of the stuff, am trying t do stuff n moderation that I should avoid if I want it but cannot do it with phili :)
I thought i could have phili too but my bro (after his wife having 2 kids recently) told me phili is fine as its pasturised! Also told me smoked salmon is really good to eat for babys brain!!!!! x
Philli is fine as it's pasturised. It's chesses like Brie we need to avoid
phili's fine! and mozzarella's fine. jsut as long as its pasturised and there's no mouldy bits in!! that reminds me, my dad said he was going to treat me to a cheese platter once i'd given birth!!
that's what I thought, so cheesecakes should be fine as the cheese that they are made out of is pasturised generally....
Smoked salmon also confuses me... there is definatley half and half consensus there! :)
i always ate it! i wasnt fussy tho, i tended to eat everything they say not to anyway!!
I've decided that moderation is the key... but am still confused :lol:
Phillidelphia is fine, it's unpasteurised stuff that needs to be avoided. Although the unpasteurised stuff can also be okay in moderation if it's been cooked and is eaten while still very hot.

Smoked salmon I've avoided because I'm a bit paranoid and have avoided everything I've been told not to eat including runny eggs and steak that isn't well done :oops: xx
i ate sushi in moderation throughout my pregnancy and that was full of smoked salmon. what would a pregnant japanese woman or preggers french woman eat? all pasteurised goods are fine. eat up! x
Sushi is fine because it has to have been previously frozen to be sold in this country - probably different in Japan where they eat it straight out of the water! Im glad that smoked salmon is still on because that goes amazingly with Philadelphia with some dill in a sanger!!
Phillie is totally fine :) Sushi is fine here as Rosie's mum said it's frozen first. I spoke to a cheese monger when I was on hols and she said even unpasteurised hard cheese is fine because the bad bacteria cant form in many of them. As Alio said, they dont stop troughing it in France :)
thats why I was aiming for the in moderation as last time I was that paranoid about what I could and couldn't eat it got rather restrictive... stress I don't need this time... but I guess it got me thinking again
I would just stick to pasteurised cheese then perhaps; funnily enough last time I was pregnant I couldnt eat shark because of the mercury build up, something that I frequently scoffed in Australia, its a lovely soft white fish..very nice!
it's mad isn't how different areas have different advice, but as u say, people haven't come to any harm in the past, I worked with someone who ate pate all the way throug her pregnancy, something else that I cannot do in moderation ;)

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