Sofia Rose Ballard 7/11/08 7lb 13oz


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Not as epic as it may have seemed lol but i will try and keep it brief!!

Went into hospital thur morning as had lost loads of water overnight and spent most of the day flooding the hospital floor, still cannot believe how much waters we have!!!!

woke 3am friday morning with back contractions every 7 mins, had a bath for an hour (!!!) then finally rang Rich at 6am. By the time he had arrived it had all eased off, MW examined me and said sorry you are not in labour (bugger)

Pains started again about an hour later and i used the TENS machine, flipping odd thing that was. Rich being a sparky spent hours fiddling with it and looking at how it all worked (Men!!)

Just before 1pm the consultant came to see me and examined me, still not in labour (double bugger) and cos over 24 hours since waters went they were worried about infection, i understood this and agreed to the prostin.

Woah things kicked off fast!!! Contractions went from 9 mins to 4 mins within a short space of time. MW and student MW (who had stayed on past her shift to help deliver me bless her) came in about 2:30 and i asked for gas and air. That kept me going till about 3pm. MW came back and gave me anti sickness jab as i was feeling icky (OMFG that hurt more than the labour and my leg is still dead!!) and she examined me again and said Congratulations you are in labour i think i muttered something like "Your not fucking kidding!!!) i was 5cm. She went to do the hand over and the new MW and student came in at 3:15, examined again and i was 7 cm. Mw and student left the room, next contraction hit and wosh out came her head, Rich grabbed the alarm and was frantically pressing the button, both MW's arrived mouth full of food shouting at me to stop pushing but i wasnt actually pushing and never did!!! She came all by herself.
Total time of labour 26 mins!!!!!! No cuts or tears thank god although i feel a little grazed.
Sofia was put straight on me for skin to skin and had a cuddle with dad soon after. He is in awe of her, another daddys girl i think.

Anyway on the whole i am pleased with the labour and still cant get over the speed of it all. Could not have done it without the love of my life and all you guys who kept me going through the day.

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