jack foster born 30/7/08


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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Here is my birth story!!!!! :D

As some of you know my waters broke monday night but i wasnt getting any pains, went into hopital to get checked out and the MW said that i was 2cm dilated!! stayed in over night but as i was only having mild contractions and my water levels were fine the hospital let me home on tue at 3 oclock. Went home and felt strange didnt have an appetite and just generally felt weird! started getting more intense pains but nothing that i couldnt manage, about 7 oclock i started timing them and they were coming every 4 mins and lasting 45 secs each time!! went up to bed bout nine and managed to sleep for an hour, woke up in a lot of pain and decided to phone the labour ward, they told me it didnt sound like i was in labour and to wait another hour!!!! :evil: by this point the only position i could manage was to stand and rock from side to side! i decided to have a bath but this made the pains sooooooo much worse!! i still didnt think i was in labour and that i was just being soft!!! decided to phone the hospital and they told me to go in!!! the journey in the car was really painful and when we got into the hospital car park i felt the urge to push!!! still didnt think i was in full labour!!!!!! struggled to walk to the labour ward!! me and dh were shown into the delivery suite so the MW could examine me, at this point i was begging for drugs!! she then shocked the life out of me by telling me that i couldnt have any drugs because i was fully dilated and it was time to start pushing!!!! :o :o
i found that if i fought against the contractions then the pain was unbearable but doing what my body told me to do and pushing through them relieved the pain, also having my legs on DH and MW hips really helped. i was still begging for drugs all the way through!! for the last half an hour of my labour i realised that wailing and moaning helped me deal with the pain but it was wasting my energy so i became really quiet and just concentrated on pushing! Jack eventually came after an hour and a half of pushing and DH got to cut the cord!!! he was born at 2,16am on the 30/7/08 weighing 6lbs!
The placenta came shortly afterwards, the MW said we were lucky that i hadnt had any more problems during my pregnancy as the cord wasnt attached properly to the placenta!!!

due to my waters being broken for over 24 hours jack had to have antibiotics and we were allowed home on the fri!! Jack was slightly jaundiced and had to be cup fed formula for the first couple of days as his blood sugar was low!! I struggled to breast feed at first as my milk hadnt come through!! but once it did he feeds really well!!
its almost 2 weeks after having Jack and it is a crazy feeling having a baby!!!!!!!! he is the cutest thing on earth to us! he is making really good progress and putting weight on! we just need to perfect the sleeping at night thing!! :rotfl:
Wow - no drugs!! Good woman!!

Congrats, a lovely birth story and baby Jack is gorgeous.....

C x
Big congratulations, sounds like you did really well. Jack looks beautiful.
Oooh cant beleive I missed this! Your labour is so similar to mine apart from the delay you had from waters going. I was screaming for more pain releif even though she was telling me it was too late and I had to push too!! He's gorgeous well done Nic.xx

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