sods law !!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2006
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why is it the one day you dont want things to happen is theone day things start to happen.
its my brother in laws birthday today and i really dont wany baby to come today as i wanted baby to have there own birthday. im hoping labour will start today but baby will show tomorrow onwards.
Always the way hun, I don't want Libby to come on 1st April (especially before 12pm), but I know she'll probably make a show then :roll:

I don't really care, I just want her here safe and sound, so don't REALLY mind, just have my own ideals (4th April - my nanna's b'day :cheer: )
Emmylou said:
Always the way hun, I don't want Libby to come on 1st April (especially before 12pm), but I know she'll probably make a show then :roll:

I don't really care, I just want her here safe and sound, so don't REALLY mind, just have my own ideals (4th April - my nanna's b'day :cheer: )

My first was due 31st March and I was hoping he wouldnt come on April 1st!

Luckily he held on til the 2nd :)
this baby is due the 31st march, knowing my luck he will arrive 1st April lol
5 days after my due day its my sisters wedding. I dont want to go then..

but then again cos shes been such a bitch over it (she didnt want me to attened cos it'll take the attention of her!!! (with bump or baby) if i did go into labour my mum was banned from taking me the hospital cos she'll miss the wedding (shes my birthing partner)

its caused a massive family riff!! now no-one wants to go the wedding.
rachelandjarvis said:
5 days after my due day its my sisters wedding. I dont want to go then..

but then again cos shes been such a bitch over it (she didnt want me to attened cos it'll take the attention of her!!! (with bump or baby) if i did go into labour my mum was banned from taking me the hospital cos she'll miss the wedding (shes my birthing partner)

its caused a massive family riff!! now no-one wants to go the wedding.

Oh no!!! Thats not a good thing for your sis to say :shock: she should be proud to have you there with baby/ bump :hug: :hug: :hug:
its stressed me out loads in the middle of my pregnancy cos she refused to see me for 7 months (as soon as she found out i was pregnant she didnt want to know) - its complicated beyond beleife. She cant have children. She was going through ivf when i fell pregnant (my pregnancy was unplanned - but i think she dosent believe this, falling pregnant when she was having ivf and being due the same week as her wedding - for her is too much of a coincidence) (but beleive me it IS!! surley noone can plan a pregnancy?? even those trying??)
Anyway, she alienated most people in our family now, with her angst and her 'rules of the wedding' shes approaching 40 and has turned very bitter about everything. I feel for her i really do, but at the same time i get angery how dare she be so nasty about my unborn baby.

We used to be so close before this. It all just horrible.

Im alot less stressed about it now, at the end of the day im happy with my life (couldnt be happier to be honest) and i wont let anything spoil this special time in my life :)
Good on you Rachel.....thats the right attitude. It is a shame that your sis cannot see through everything, and accept that this is the way it is. I agree - you can't plan a pg!

Stay de-stressed hun :hug:
good on you hun - dont let ANYTHING or ANYONE spoil your pregnancy!!! of course you cannot REALLY plan a pregnancy, its not like you did it to spite her and she should see that and be over the moon for you!!!!

:hug: :hug:
oh dear, what a sad situation for you all. Hope she comes round one day, or she'll miss out on being an aunty to your little one and that would be a shame.
hope baby stays inside for just one more day becky

Rachel...I can't believe how your sister is been, she should be happy she is going to be an Aunty if nothing else happens...I spent 4 years trying to concieve and it was hard when other people found out they were pg but that never gave me the right to treat them badly. hope you go and your waters break in the middle of her vows with a bog Gush then the whole recpetion can be spent wondering how Rachel is getting on :rotfl:

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