Will I ever have my baby!!??

Minime said:
Tonight you'll give OH his extra birthday prezzie, tomorrow you'll go in labour and like I said you'll have her early hours of Friday :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll hold you to that doll :cheer:
Yes going out to dinner tonight, hoped baby might spoil it by making and appearance, but no such luck.

Just fed up with waiting now like you.
Happy Anniversary chicken :hug:

Theres still time before the main course for bubba to put in an appearance!!!

We were going out for OH birthday, but going to try a candle lit takeaway with a bit of hows your father :wink: for dessert...see if we can get this party started!!! :cheer:
And dont forget the pineapples..... I believe you have to eat them though :rotfl:
I don't think I am going to be that lucky or that quick! All baby is intent on is wriggling and making Mummy uncomfortable today.

If there is a pineapple desert tonight might have to try it! :rotfl:
I am thinking positive labour thoughts for you Zoe!!!!! It must be so frustrating!! Have you tried the raspberry tea?
Oh hun-ni yeah course you will but you'll confuse bubs if you tell him to come uicker as we've decided on friday havent we! Babe you have a lifetime with your baby ahead of you and its sooo frustrating going over but in days babe that little bundle of joy will be in your arms feeling all your love :hug: :hug:
Zoe you have to wait until tomorrow before labour starts and have the baby on friday or my predictions won't be right :wink: .
Oh Zoe....sorry to hear your feeling crappy!!

Its such a anti climax like you say when you reach your due date and there is no sign of bubba...but it wont be long now I promise then you wont stop!

Try eating an onion bhaji...or 4! Thats what I ate on Saturday and early hours of Sunday morning I was in labour!! It wont give the sh*ts babe, give it a go!!!! The spiciness may pep things up :wink:

Best of luck hun, I really dont think it will be too much longer, you are my twinny remember and im sure you will catch up soon and pop that LO out!

Enjoy your rumpy pump haha :hug:
zoe c said:
but going to try a candle lit takeaway with a bit of hows your father :wink: for dessert...see if we can get this party started!!! :cheer:

You're a BRAVE woman Zoe! Either that or desperate! That business is about the last thing I could handle at the moment! Just the thought of it is enough to bring on a headache!

So sorry you're feeling so down. It could happen any time now though so make the most of your last few moments and treat yourself. Have a bath, read a book, watch some good telly. I do sympathise though.

Sending hugs. L xx
Oh Zoe, I feel for you and so many of us have been there! :hug:

My due date was also my 30th birthday and I'd worked myself up for this amazing double celebration when all I actually did to celebrate a whole new decade was sit in a restaurant miserable, sober and elevating my elephantine ankles :(

But I forgot ALL about it the following week :wink: If we lived closer I'd bring Stanley round to keep you busy! :D
thinking of you zoe.... I am dreading going past my due date..... I know that not many babies are born on their due date but it is so hard not to get fixated on that date...... we go from counting months, to weeks to days .......................

keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you ......

just think, once that little baby is in your arms you will wonder why you were getting so upset ... whatever happens it won't be long now

keep smiling :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh Zoe I can only imagine what your thinking right now.

Steam that baby out :lol:
Thanks my lovlies, I dont know what I would do without your lovely support...

Had a nice soak in bath, painted toemails (v.v uncomfy!!), applied some Dove Body glow body lotion and have a nice new set of false nails on (nice and short so not to inflict pain to OH during labour)..I feel very pampered and alo more relaxed than today and if LO does out on an appearnace tonight/tomorrow I will look all purdy for him/her :lol:
:lol: awww cute!!!

Is it even possible to paint your toe nails?!?!?!
Its NOT a pretty sight I can tell you...I have to sort of lie back on bed, propped on pillows, and rest m feet on my birth ball so I can get them close enough to paint them!!! :rotfl:
Nothing...very very weepy and so tired I can bearly keep my eyes open so have passed the day resting, and went out for lunch with my sis and baby

Just got back from wadlling round Asda...

Had a bit of low backache tonight, but I dont think its anything promising..its probably just coz I am big now..

I am really convinced now I will be induced next week..I really dont want to be but at least the end is nigh :roll:
zoe c said:
Just got back from wadlling round Asda...

A final attempt to get some free shopping Zoe?!

You poor old thing! Not long now! Hang on in there!

L x :hug:
[quote="LucyBeeA final attempt to get some free shopping Zoe?!


You know me so well :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Apparently, John Lewis give you £500 if you go into labour in their stores??!! I would of gone there, but its shut :rotfl:

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