So worried I'm sending myself crazy!

This is so much harder than I ever thought it would be! I just hoping and praying everything will be ok! It's hard not telling ppl but last time my mum was devastated I'm just going to try and calm down a line is a line! Thanks for your kind words Sophie its good to know I have ppl to talk to that understand xxx
I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I was like this with my last pregnancy, I tested too much and turned myself into an emotional wreck. This time I tested on af day and thats it, I refused to test anymore. What will be will be, its hard to think like that but its the only way I can keep calm and remain sane. We are all here for you to help with your worries xx
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Thankyou so much hunny I really do appreciate it think I'm going to try and relax a bit and go to docs on thu what will be will be just hope more than anything this is my time! Have u had any losses? Xxxx
Yeah I have had 2 unfortunately. I became a wreck after and was anxious about everything. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that worrying will not change the outcome. My OH used to tell me this all the time but I had to believe it myself as I am a natural born worrier. I of course feel worried but I am not letting it take over like I did before cos I was a mess x
I'm going to the docs this morning I'm so worried about the lines going lighter I'm sure it must be a bad sign all my symptoms have gone :-( xx
Hang in there lady - hope docs goes OK.

I have booked an appointment for this afternoon!

Thankyou milly I think it may be bad news :-( I feel awful this is so hard xxxx
Just got back ladies he said its not a good sign that the tests have got lighter and thinks it may be bad news but all I can do is rest and wait and see what happens :-( he's told me to stop testing for my own sanity and if Ive not started bleeding by next week to only test then. If it is a mc he can only send me to clinic after 3 but he isn't concerned just think its bad luck I'm trying not to stress out but I'm devastated to say the least I just don't no what keeps going wrong xxx
how many weeks are you after 8 the lines do get lighter , and evan 2 tests in the same box have differnt amout of dye in them
Aw hun try not to rule yourself out yet. Wait a week or so and see what the line looks like then. Really hope things turn out ok for you xxx
Take a test after a week, then only you will be able to observe the improvement
I'm 5 weeks so doc seemed to think they should be getting darker and didn't fill me with hope I'm trying not to panic only time will tell I'm hoping my bean hangs on for dear life! Xxxx
Sorry you've not had the best news, but I agree that you should try to stop testing for a bit for your own sanity.

Sending you and your little bean loads baby dust!!

Hi Natalilly1288

Just to let you know i never really got a true positive result on 'any' test! With my Daughter the lines were a bright as anything. This time hardly anything at all. My doctor made an apointment with my hospital and I had 3 separate blood tests 48hrs apart and they proved my homone levels went from 140 to 450 then 1000. Only with a blood test can they truely know what's going on. One week later i still got very faint test results so i stopped testing, driving myself crazy!!

My 6wk scan revealed i was only 5wks. There was a sac but no baby. At nearly 8wks the scan revealed a baby with a lovely heartbeat. Therefore, it looks as though i ovulated late, probably just before my period, hence the faint lines on the tests.

I'm now 14 weeks and just had my routine 12wk scan and my hasn't he'she grown.

It was touch and go for a while but hang in there, some things may surprise you. xxx
Oh and i didn't have any symptoms either. Not until around 12 wks. Now i feel as sick, tired and a little IBS!
Thankyou milly and kerrieanne I'm def not testing anymore! I'm going to wait a week and if I've not started bleeding I will go back to the doctors all I can do is sit tight you never no I'm a great believer in everything happens for a reason so we shall see the doc never even offered me a blood test just said I'd got to wait it out! But he thinks I may mc but it shouldn't effect trying again u never think u are going to be the one who has a problem :-( I'm not giving up yet until I have pain or bleeding! Xxxx
Sorry to hear you are not having a great time - but its not over yet, try and stay positive for your little bean and keeping everything crossed for you xx

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