I'm driving myself mad!!!

Not much to add to all the great advice already given, just wanted you to know you're not the only one stressing out at the mo, I am too and it sucks. Reasons are on my other posts.. blah blah... lol :D

The absolute best thing you can do is relax, easier said than done, trust me I know... but please try :) If you try, I will too :hug:

I have everything crossed for you, will be thinking of you xxx
FallingStar....thank you so much :)

so sorry that you lost at 20 weeks, that has to be the worst :(......but so happy for you getting your bfp :) .... fingers and toes crossed for you xxx
i done the clearblue digi it said 3+ and I had a scan the following day they said there was a sac but no baby, you know the rest of the story. anyway calm down and behave til the next scan stop stressing xx
Just wanted to let you know I think it happened last night. Started getting mild cramps at 11.30pm and slightly heavier bleeding. Went to bed and at 2am woke with mild contraction and urge to push, ran to loo and lost a clot about the size of plum, been having mild cramps since...hopefully by time next scan is due they will tell me I passed everything so I won't need d&c....

This will be last post I put in this section, will be moving up to mc and loss....take care girls, will still be checking in on you from time to time...... goodluck with all your bumps xxx
Just called A&E they said as long as I am not bleeding heavy and have no dizzy spells I can stay home...if it gets worst have to go straight to A&E......think it will be ok though...fingers crossed
Oh honey, you must be so worried :( Thinking of you more than ever :hug: xxx
They just said to keep eye on things...got another week until scan so unless anything bad happens just got to wait it out. I'm pretty sure it was one of the sacs if not both.....they didn't seem too concerned though.

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