So who thinks im crazy?

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Momma Kat - you have posted this post to ask if we think you're crazy - and as far as I can see no one has even suggested that you are crazy, but have tried to give their honest opinion and advice for when you have your baby, and all you seem to do is get on the defensive trying to make out you will manage with a baby under the current circumstances.

You seem to have though things through and have a plan in place for when your baby comes, but I think you need to keep an open mind and make sure that if the time comes if you are struggling with feeds etc that you can get any appliances or equipment you may need.

For me I just struggle to understand why people wouldn't do anything they can to make life easier or as easy as possible for them. I have wanted a child for many years now, but as I was raised by a single parent it was really important for me to be in a stable relationship and be in a position where I could provide for my child. I have now been married for just over 2 years and we've moved in to a property suitable to raise kids in back in January. We both have fairly ok jobs, but I still know that once the baby is born money will be tight.

But money isn't everything so as long as you are happy and healthy, that's what counts!
so what did the do in the old days when there werent any electric they most of breast fed when and baby needed it i make all my bottles on demand i dont store anything in a fridge i do have a fridge out side the room but cant use it as i live on top of the pub it would be classed s a fire hazard. she is demand feeding since she has been in hospital. i remeber when my brother was little and our fridge broke we had to do with out the fridge for 3 month till the could afford to buy a one. what do you do if theres a power cut, how do you store milk then? plus you can get ready made milk as well which you wouldnt need to store in fridges except unused. yeah you may need a fridge when baby gets older. my oh dad buys food daily like what he needs to eat for that day and buys powdered milk and uht milk he does have a fridge/freezer but never uses it. i just want to know how they coped in the olden days when they didnt have electric how did they store food?
for got to mention my oh dad is a one for helping the environ ment y not using the fridge/freezer as he says it produce gases into the atmosphere lol hes weird lol
Morbidity rates were higher probably, more people suffered from food poisoning and didnt have nutritionally rich diets because they couldnt store fresh food? In this day and age I would consider someone to be impoverished if they don't/can't afford to run a fridge - then again people make choices for themselves. There are people I am sure who would rather drink and smoke and eat shit than feed their kids properly!
i always think of amy b4 myself as long as shes well fed which she is lol shell eat 2 or 3 jars a day plus 4 bottles of 7 oz. amy is weird ive tried making her bottles up b4 she wants them so i have a few ready and she wont drink them after ive heated it back up again. obv i boil kettle and cool water down and make bottles up that way shell not take it so ill make it when she wants it coz i waste more if i make themup b4 hand
Life expectancy was much lower in what you class as the 'olden days'. Yes people did cope without electricity, and if people chose to cope these days without electricity then that is indeed their choice.
However if people choose make use of the technological advances of the 20th century to give themself a comfertable life then let them do it.
Dunno how you cope without it all, LOVE all home comforts. I'd imagine that in times past and there wasn't suitable storage for milk etc there was a higher infant/adult mortality rate?

If you feel that you can cope without then I hope it turns out the way you imagine it will, it's just one of those things where you'll have to wait and see how you cope when l/o arrives but do keep an open mind about it cause you might have to have a change of heart if things don't turn out as you expected.

The girls aren't trying to criticise, just to give a different view point and illustrate what difficulties you might find yourself in when you are faced with a screaming baby.

Personally I have all the gadgets going in my house :oooo: it's ok tho cos we planted lots of trees :lol:
Toonlass - I never said you did, im just saying I have no problem going out twice a day to the shops, it means the dog is always walked.

Meeah - I got a dongle with my phone contract for no extra fee.

RM - Yes its hard keeping on top of feeds with a baby, But guess what, its hard no matter what way you do it. A fridge is a convienience, Not a necessity.

And I have cheese.. Do you think its kept in fridges when they are maturing it for 15 years? Nope its kept on a shelf in a dark room. And cartons/bottle of juice stay nicely cool when kept in a cupboard, I dont have an oven heating up the room, Nor does the sun shine into my kitchen.

MMG&I - Yes it could be cheaper to buy in bulk, Except I dont eat enough to rationalise buying bulk, It would go off before I got there even if I did have a fridge, and I cant carry that much when Im walking 25 minutes back up hill to the flat :)

Rheych - I didnt say I dont use electricity, Infact my computer is always left on. But as i dont NEED a fridge, Im not wasting money on the electricy for it.

mavlestarr - If I end up NEEDING a fridge, Out of actual need rather than just convienience.. Then I will get one. But I doubt I will. I havent used a fridge in.. 3 years.

emmaandamyleigh - They had a pantry :) A cold dark room :) And bought things more often than we do, Nowadays people are so into the convienience of a weekly shop to get everything done, And they never bought more than they knew they could use before it went bad!
mablestarr - the "olden days" werent that long ago, My grandparents didnt have refridgerators, And they are only 70-80 now. My dad has a cute story, After dinner if they were allowed ice cream, they would ride their bikes to the local shop and get little blocks of it wrapped in newspaper and truck it home to eat before it melted.
Honestly Momma Kat I'm not too sure what you want from this thread - people seem to agree with you and youre on the defensive, others just giving advice from their own experiences and again youre on the defensive.
I really hope you have a "textbook" baby! Good luck getting out the house twice a day to shop, itl take you atleast 1/2hour to get out the house each time!
I kbow what she wants, a bit of attention and to cause a bit of a stirr! Why else would you start a thread asking if everyone thinks you're crazy and then get on the defensive when people offer advice?! Think il leave this thread alone now!
Hmmm I think this thread has got a 'little' out of hand now! I'd be lost without my refrigerator. Jacob was a demand bottle feeder in the end, I could not of made them up seperatly. Yes I understand they did in the 'olden' days but this technology was invented to be more safer and convenient. x
Right Ladies it seems this thread has taken on a different tone :eh:

So with that in mind Thread is locked until Admin reviews.
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