So proud of my OH!! :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Well i just wanted to share this as i am so proud of him! :D

Basically he started a job last month which is much better pay then his old one. As he is so grateful that he got the job he decided that when he gets paid next month he is going to send £300 to his brother in iraq and his brother is going to take the money to local orphanges and single mums who lost their husbands to the war and cant go out to earn money by themselves.

I know there are lots of unfortunate people in this country aswell but at least there is government money for them and most people get 3 meals a day, but the children in iraq have nothing and they rely on peoples generosity to get them food and lots of them go hungry.

1 dollar in iraq can feed a family of 5 for a whole week or even 2 and £300 comes to 600 dollars so imagine how many people he could be helping!

Anyway just wanted to tell you all because he's so lovely and im so Proud :lol: (can you tell?)
What a wonderful thing to do!!

I dont blame you for being so proud, sounds like a lovely man you have there :D
That's a lovely thing to do. I'd be proud too!
that brought a wee tear to my eye, so so kind of him :)
that's a lovely thing to do - and he'll feel great at work knowing where the money goes :D
:clap: What a lovely thing to do, no wonder you are so proud of your OH :clap:

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