so upset :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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well ladies im so unhappy

i know i dont post that much but needed to too cus im so upset

i'm so wanting another baby that im thinking of chucking my pill down the toliet

my friend who i have known for a few yrs now has a 7 month old and has just told me that shes 8 weeks pregant again
dont get me wrong im happy 4 her i just wish i was 1 of them

let u into a lil secert, we was in mc donalds on friday n we sat next to a woman who had an 8month old baby girl n alan (OH) was saying like awww look at that baby i was gomsmacked i thougth mmm ur broody

so i confronted him n he told me to change the subject cus thats all i think about

wht do u think girls ????
:wave: sorry to hear you are so upset. I know how you feel. I think that all ladies here will tell you how hard they find it when their friend, SIL or work colleague announces their pregnancy. It's hard not to think about it and not to feel sad. Luckily, my DH understands how I feel so tries not to comment on cute babies.. I noticed that he changes the channel when there is an advert showing babies ( bless him).

If you need a chat, we are all here. Have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks huni i really needed them

he told me that i need to change the subject cus he dont want another 1 :( but i do i have been on the depo n then came off n last month was my first really AF n im so wanting to ttc number 2
Hey hun, first of all sounds like you need these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hope he changes his mind hun xxx
I feel for you hun. We are ttc our first, i want it to happen so bad and asap but DH doesnt like to talk about it saying it will happen when it happens - not much help at all really. Know he is just being sensible and for me not to get my hopes up, i do think it will happen when the time is right and trying not to stress about it but it is so hard!

Yeah have some more of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

We are all in the same boat I think, its really hard when you see people around that are pregnant and you just cant get pregnant or ur OH doesnt want anymore.

We are TTC our first and into our 9th month which isnt much compared to some people but my DH is only home at the weekends cause he lives and works in The Netherlands so its even harder.

To top it off a work colleague is pregnant with her 2nd (due her 1st scan on our wedding anni!!) and also a close friend is pregnant with her 3rd. I just want to have my 1st!!!

It gets us all down at times but try and stay positive and fingers crossed your OH will change his mind in time x

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