So Upset And Angry


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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.... With my MW :evil: ive still not recieved a scan date through yet so i thought id give the ultrasound department a call to see whats happening and after them keeping me on hold theyve told me they havent even recieved a referal letter from her for me to have one yet. Upon hearing that all i did was cry probably sounds silly but after whats happened i really wanted the reassurance sooner rather than later that all is ok with bean still. :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hope your ok hun, I would call her and ask whats going on.. she needs to pull her finger out!
That's terrible, I would get straight onto the midwife and ask what the hold up it.

Good luck :hug:
OMFG thats just evil, i'd phone up and make a complaint, have they booked you in for a scan now then? here have a massive :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: from us xxxx
All they told me to do was to call my doctors and ask them. But id get no joy as the MW is only there once a week on a tuesday.
Aw hun, hope you get it sorted and get your scan soon :hug:
Your GP can - I think - refer you for the scan as well, so try speaking to him/her. My MW was a bit p**d off as my GP had already sent through a referral for a scan before I saw her for booking appointment, so I think it can be done.
Aww darling get onto the phone and ask the midwife to call you back.. Mine is only in once a week as well but if I need her I just leave a message on reception for her and shes always in and out the surgery and will ring you back!! :hug: :hug:
That is not on!

To them it is just a scan and we are just a name on a piece of paper. I dont think these people realise how important the scan is to us mums to be, especially after what you have already been through.

I agree with what kaybee has said and if your midwife is hard to get hold of then i would contact your own GP. My early scan was done via my doctors.

Good Luck hun
awww i would feel like you too
hope you get sorted soon
awww hun thats all u need

really hope u get a date soon

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