so annoyed and upset

oh yes, you were worried about your scuba diving, they still wont put you as a priority? its such madness, i know pregnancy is an everyday thing and i know they never had all these scans and stuff all those years ago but now its there and available you expect to have the chance to have what you are entitled to?! its hard not to worry isnt it, i said to my mum i would hate to just sit back and think oh well thats it then ill wait till 14/16 weeks and then get there thinking/hoping all ok and to find out something wrong, id rather know early than getting very used to the idea and then it being jeapordised (sp). good job im having nuchal scan, hopefully they will be more helpful to me than my actual hospital. im thinking of booking in for private scan too.....
Hi hun the nuchal scan is the first scan i had and it was at 12 weeks,they will be able to see the heart and they also measured baby then too so they could check the dates. I was first seen by my midwife at 10 weeks though and i am also in kent,hope you get something sorted hun :hug: xx
it gets even worse, now being told by my hospital that ill have my nuchal scan at 12 weeks (even though that hasnt been confirmed by dating scan) wont be getting a dating scan, mw appointment at 14 weeks which will be my booking in appointment and then i wont get my first proper scan till 23 weeks. i said to her so if i wasnt having a nuchal scan when would you first scan me, she said 20 weeks :shock: i cant beleive it, now going to ring the other hospital and say to them if i havent had a dating scan then how can i have a nuchal scan as it has to be done at certain dates? argh!!!!!!! :x :x :x
Emma22 said:
it gets even worse, now being told by my hospital that ill have my nuchal scan at 12 weeks (even though that hasnt been confirmed by dating scan) wont be getting a dating scan, mw appointment at 14 weeks which will be my booking in appointment and then i wont get my first proper scan till 23 weeks. i said to her so if i wasnt having a nuchal scan when would you first scan me, she said 20 weeks :shock: i cant beleive it, now going to ring the other hospital and say to them if i havent had a dating scan then how can i have a nuchal scan as it has to be done at certain dates? argh!!!!!!! :x :x :x

i would turn round and say,that you cant exactly remeber your last lmp and you'll have to have a scan to check exactly how far gone you are,as when i told my doc i didnt have a proper period last cycle shes now put me foward 4 weeks so i get a scan sooner
just rang the docs and the witch of a receptionist is on so i put the phone down :oops: ill ring back and see if i can get the nicer one! thing is i had irregular cycles before my bfp, ranging from 28 days to 40 days and like you my last af was 2 days long.... :think:
Emma22 said:
just rang the docs and the witch of a receptionist is on so i put the phone down :oops: ill ring back and see if i can get the nicer one! thing is i had irregular cycles before my bfp, ranging from 28 days to 40 days and like you my last af was 2 days long.... :think:

right,which area are you i'll see if i can get a number for the midwifes,i have my ways
the witch was actually quite helpful, so feel bad for saying that now, she was shocked that im not seeing mw till 14 weeks and going to talk to my doctor but she isnt in today so they are going to call me back tomorrow and hopefully they will refer me for dating scan so fingers crossed. thanks loulour youve been a great help in this, ill let you know if i need those numbers tomorrow! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thats great news Emma :clap: good luck with the call tomorrow and fingers crossed you get scan appointment very very soon, I know you've been awfully worried :think: The scan will help heaps doll.. keep us posted please :hug:
Good luck, it really sounds like you are being treated so badly.

With each of my 3 previous pregnancies I have seen the mw at around 8/9 weeks for the booking in appointment (at home). This is where they sit down with you and write up all your notes, work out your due date and book you in for your first scan. Also, if you are not sure of your dates, you should be given an earlier dating scan.

With my first pregnancy (dd), i had only just come off the pill, and I don't think I had a period at all, so I was given a scan at 9 weeks to see how old the baby was.

Then, I think the next appointment is the 12 week scan (or mw appointment if you've had earlier scan), then mw at around 16 weeks and then 20 week scan, then mw every 4 weeks after that. This is how it was for all 3 of my pregnancies, even though the first was in a different area with a totally different health authority.

At the very very least you need to know the name of your mw and a contact number so that you can get in touch with her if you have any concerns. I think it is really awful that you are being treated like this.

Saying that though, you should be able to be told at the nuchal scan whether the baby is ok, and how when it should be due. The heartbeat doesn't usually show up until around 14 weeks with the mw's portable machine, so even by seeing her early you won't be any the wiser, but she should be able to have a feel of your tummy to see whether the uterus has enlarged and whether it has grown out of the pelvis (hope I am describing this right - not sure when that happens).

So sorry for waffling on. I only just found out I was pregnant yesterday, and now it is all I can think about. I won't be ringing my gp until I am about 8 weeks. They don't do anything till then anyway - gp won't want to see me.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

heather x
yeah havent even been given the details of my mw, was told when i rang the hospital that if i had any problems or concerns that i should ring my gp. fingers crossed she is understanding tomorrow and she refers me for a dating scan. im really showing too which is another thing that im worried about as could be further gone than i am...ill keep you posted. thanks for listening girls :hug:
Yipee! my doctor just rang me and she has booked me in for a scan next thus at 8.40am. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Fantastic news!!

Good luck with the scan.

Heather x
aww em thats brilliant news,hopefully my mw will contact me soon as they do scans here before 12 weeks and they are going by the docs later date :D
hope you get your appt soon, its exciting but worrying at the same time :? :D

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