So tired :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Aimee has been doing so well at night. Sleeping 5 hours straight then up for a feed and back down for another 3 hours all on breastfeeding. She went through a growth spurt last week ( think she was having her 12 week spurt early!) Shes over it now but ever since her sleeping habits have changed. She only sleeps about 3 hours at night then up every hour to 2 hours for a feed!

Please tell me this doesn't last!! Its bad enough being up all night in agony with my back but having a hungry baby that doesn't want to sleep is extra exhausting!
Ohh sweetie :( its just horrible isn't it!!

I'm sure the sleep will sort itself out, babies change eveyday, fussy one day and fine the next.

Fingers crossed u get a good night tonight xxx (and me too)
Yes, harry went through phases like this, there is light at end of the tunnel, can you get someone to watch her for a couple of hours in the day so you can have a rest? I just used to leave oh with a bottle of expressed milk at weekend when he was off
I hope you ok Hun , I have been moaning for weeks on her about Ruby's sleep I even had a rant about it yesterday it was that bad I just sat crying BUT last night she slept from 7:15pm until 6:10 am I could not believe it I woke up about 3 times in the night to check she was ok . Am crossing my fingers this is a sign of things to come . Xxxx
7:15-6:10 sounds like absolute heaven!!! It's ever since that bloody growth spurt. She doesn't sleep that much during the day either. When she's a moody teenager and don't wanna get out of bed I will be waking her up ait the crack of dawn lol
Hahaha ill be doing the same to Max don't worry!

The longest he's gone without waking is 9pm-4am and that's only happened once! I usually only get 3 hours then he wakes from 2am

Its tough, I'm just hoping he grows out of it and I keep thinking 'it won't last forever'

I hope you ok Hun , I have been moaning for weeks on her about Ruby's sleep I even had a rant about it yesterday it was that bad I just sat crying BUT last night she slept from 7:15pm until 6:10 am I could not believe it I woke up about 3 times in the night to check she was ok . Am crossing my fingers this is a sign of things to come . Xxxx

sounds like you are successfully through the 4 month sleep regression :)


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