

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Hiya girls,

Another question?! Ellie is now sleeping from approx 9 til 3 then from 4 til 8 in the morning i know this will sound stupid but is she sleeping to long without having a feed cos my hv has said dont let her go longer than 4 hours without a feed and if she sleeps for a long time wake her up.

But me and my partner think if she is sleeping at night let her surely she will let us know when she is hungry?

Any advice appreciated Thanks Gracexx
Hi Grace, I think that they only recommend she is woken after 4 hours if they are very young or its daytime. I would definitely leave her sleeping, she'll let you know when she's hungry. Isn't she good sleeping so well at night? Leorah still thought it was partytime at that age :lol:
Arianna slept all night from really early on and my HV said I should wake her but we never did.... I would go in and give her a dream feed at about 3 or 4am but she never woke.

You are the parents you will know whats best for your little one.

S. xx
yeh bless her little heart letting mummy sleep! That is what i thought the only thing is she is still sleeping loads in the day she only usually wakes for a bottle! I know babies sleep but is this normal? Sorry to sound stupid but i worry so much! Thnaks for replying
She's still quite young so will prob sleep alot throughout the day.... another couple of weeks and you'll be wishig she would take that afternoon nap!!
Arianna will only take like power naps through the day - she'll sleep 30min and wake up straight away... no stirring or anything.... you could set your watch by her!!

S. xx
Thanks thats reassuring to know i know i ask such stupid questions sometimes but i worry! I thought exactly the same if shes tired at night surely i should let her sleep so i can. Thanks for replying and sleeping in the day i know babies sleep i was just a little worried :hug:
We are also thinking about putting her in her own bedroom as she is only waking once in the night what do people think is she too young? Part of me wants her to go in her own room so shes used to it when shes older but part of me still thinks she is a bit young? My partner is reallye ager for her to go in her own room i have asked if she does can i have a baby monitor with a camera do you think this is a good idea or will make me more paranoid? Thanks xx
I started putting Arianna into her own room to sleep through the day so she got used to it and then she was in there at night from about 7-8wks old.

S. xx
Leorah went in her own room at 6 weeks, we have a breathing moniter, we only use the sensor mat otherwise the actual moniter would pick up every single noise and I'd never sleep. The breathing moniter clicks with each breath so when i stir in the night I can hear it :)
lucky lucky you!!! hehe ... aslong and she is feeding well in the day then leave her!!! I am jealous!! hehe

Ellis was in his own room from 3ish months. He was too big for his basket. I think its a personal decition when u feel happy too. xxxxx

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