So sick


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Are tou all sick of my whinging yet? :lol:

Ms (bloomin joke that is) has taken on a new life :( 4 times already this morning and was sick right before bedtime :( Nurses out there, when do you worry about dehydration? How would you know?

On topo of this I've got some sort of chest/cold/cough thing :wall:

The sickness was bad last time but don't think it was this bad and I had fairly bad ketones last time :(
I'm no nurse but some of the signs of dehydration are feeling generally more 'dry', so having a dry mouth, not sweating as much as you normally might and more concentrated urine (like FMU all the time). You might even start to feel a wee bit fluey with it, headache, chills, fatigue. You're skin also might start to dry out too. I've seen people survive on 500mls of fluids a day but they tend to be very dry. I didn't have ms so I really don't have any tips for keeping things down, I think the more dehydrated you are the more nauseas you'll feel and appetite starts to suffer too. Hope this doesn't last too long for you!!
I went to the midwife yesterdayI have nausea and hardly being sick and I am slightly dehydratd so she told me to drink plenty of energy drinks like lucozade xx
oh lovely i know the feeling i hate moaning about it to the oh its getting stupid tho morning, noon and night!!
just been food shopping and had to run to the loo.
lucozade is a good idea if you can keep it down!! like you i had +3 ketones with my last pregnancy and ended up having to be put on drips and tablets
going to hold out to 12 weeks and if not gone get anti sickness tablets!!

are you having that horrible taste in your mouth thats makes you wanna be sick even more??
I have a horrid taste in my mouth no matter what I eat sorry try to eat the food just tastes the same, the only thing with the lucozade is I think that it makes me a bit shaky if you know what I mean xx
that taste is horrible and no matter how much i brush my teeth it comes back!!!
I know I dont remember having this much sickness with my last pregnancy. I just got a call from my solicitor as we have a just bought a house and the keys are ready to be collected and Im not even excited xxx
Well I'm feeling no better :(

Felt hungry about 2 and ate whilst in town, home at 3.30 and have been sick 3 times already :cry:
:hug::hug:its even harder when you have a family too look after already!!
have you ever had the anti sickness tablets??
im thinking about going too the doctors but not sure if they will tell me too wait but its just getting too much was crying this morning as i cant cope with any more!!
so far i have tried travel sickness bands, ginger, every bland food you can think of , little and often, ice lollies/ice cubes the list goes on :mad:
I too am still suffering horribly. I keep phoning in sick to work or being sent home early because I am of little to no use whatsoever. Keep crying to myself because I feel so useless and I dont like letting people down.

I always throw up the first thing i eat in the morning and I can't go anywhere near a supermarket. Just the thought of them makes my stomach churn.

Its really getting me down and I wish I knew when it would all stop. Although I dont want to curse it too much because I dont want my little bean to go anywhere. I'll be as sick as I have to if it means i get my bundle of joy out of it. I think that's the trick, keep remembering that it's all worth it. Every day is a step closer to it stopping. Although that isnt much concillation when you just feel like you have been through a mangle.

Well I'm feeling no better :(

Felt hungry about 2 and ate whilst in town, home at 3.30 and have been sick 3 times already :cry:

Mamfy do you want to borrow my seabands? I can post them to you and you can return them when you're better :) xx I found them to be the only thing to help, they work on acupressure points on your wrists :)
Oh bless you.. I hope it doesn't last too much longer for you :hug:
Aw hon, there's a few of us being really sick. Poor u...
It's awful isn't it? Sp fed up of gagging as I swallow food.... :(
Hope we all feel better soon xxx
Well I'm feeling no better :(

Felt hungry about 2 and ate whilst in town, home at 3.30 and have been sick 3 times already :cry:

Mamfy do you want to borrow my seabands? I can post them to you and you can return them when you're better :) xx I found them to be the only thing to help, they work on acupressure points on your wrists :)

Very kind offer hun :hug: But I've a blue set in the cupboard which I'll search for tomorrow but they were no help last time and I think I'm worse this time. Tell a lie, they worked in the car :eh: :rofl:

whoever suggested the lucozade :thumbup: It went down a treat and although i've dry retched and had bad nausea I haven't :puke: :yay:

Bought ginger biscuits today too :D
i took tabs for my sickness mrs. if i didnt take them i was sick all day if i took one in the morning i sometimes felt nauseous but sick a lot lot less. they called cyclizine valoid and they work in a couple of minutes = amazing!! :D xx
I may well have to get them :( I'm not normally a moanbag but this is just awful
yeah the lucozade does help alot. my partner and I both have a sickness bug which is just draining me of any energy I had left xx
Oh you poor things, awful when the sickness is bad

I don't know f this will help you , but I always found that it was the mixing of the food with the fluids that set me off, so I only ever ate food and then at least 30 mins later sipped the drink slowly and tryed not to wander about , jigg the fluids , if that makes sense, - always keep meals either food OR Fluid - worth a try X

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