So sick of not knowing!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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So you may have noticed that i am still in Budapest despite being told we would be moving to Bristol in May.

God this company are crap.

We've just been told we arent moving to Bristol now, we are being relocated to Shipley (Yorkshire) instead and it will happen sometime in June/July. Im so angry!

Now in some ways Shipley will be easier for us, its only a couple of hours drive from home so Thea will get to see her Granparents and uncles a lot more often and my best friend lives in Bradford, Richards best mate lives in Leeds. Also our money will go alot further there. Im just annoyed that we've been messed around so much, that i put loads of effort into house hunting (which isnt all that easy from another country) and had started to make an effort to get to know other mummies in Bristol so that Thea and I would have some friends. Now i have to start all over again. I've told Richard he can get the bloody company HR to find us a house without my help this time because im peed off!

I really wanted to go to the Birmingham meet but hell who knows if we'll be back by then!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Sorry i just needed to rant a bit!!!!!
Rant away!! Its totally understandable. I'd be annoyed to have done so much and looked in to living in an area to find it was for nothing.

Hopefully they will stop messing you around now, its not exactly what you need when you have thea.

Oh and it's a shame you're not coming to Bristol, lovely place :wink: well, certain parts of it are lol. Though i must admit it has everything you need and isnt too busy.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Shipley is nice though. I'm from Harrogate :) It's a nice part of the world. Good luck with it all.
what buggers :evil: sorry they are messing you around hun :( ........on the plus side'll be nearer to me!!! :cheer: hehe
Im angry for Thea too. We had to pull her out of her playgroup at the end of April because we thought we werent going to be there for another term and its really expensive because its english speaking. Now she doesnt get to go somewhere she loved because they filled her space straight away and no where else has any places. I took her away from her little friends earlier than i had to all because this crappy company cant make a fooking decision!
i understand your frustration! !!!

for the last 6 months ive been thinking we know where we're going, and when, trying to arrange things long distance- (although not another country!) then plans fall also hoping to be settled by june/july...hope it happens for you this time!
Oh god Mel that is awful, can you get your oh to have a good bloody moan at them cos your having to put your life on hold for them making a desison.

Aw Melanie, that's so frustrating! I hate not being in control of my life and I imagine you do too, so you must being feeling really really annoyed and in limbo.

I have my fingers firmly crossed that its sorted for you soon hon.


Valentine Xxx
not an active member orgy uking it innit
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Hi Jenny!
Thanks for that offer hun, thats really nice of you. Richard just employed a company yesterday who are going to go round and shortlist some houses for us so ill let you know about the areas when i find out :)
Richard works for Powerwave.
Awww no. Moving home is stressful enough without it being messed up by the company. I hope they sort a move out for you really soon :hug: and for Thea :hug:

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