So many questions! :S

I found the contractions very painful and scary that your body takes over completely and however much you try you can't stop them coming.... pushing was exhausting and very painful too though, i had to have an episiotomy to help me get Freddie out and they used Ventous, I just had no energy to do it myself and all the while I kept thinking - OMG I've got to do this again in a minute! Harry was born 34 mins later breech, but was 1lb lighter so wasn't too difficult.

Take the gas and air if you don't have an epidural (I wasn't allowed one due to low platelet count) takes the edge of the pain, but don't pant with the tube in your mouth or you will feel decidedly sick, big deep breaths are the way to go. And yeah, do what the midwife tells you to, however daft or impossible it may sound - that 3rd push is the most effective and the hardest to achieve.

However painful it was all worth it - I now have two bouncing baby boys who I love to bits and have made my life complete.

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