Anyone having a c section? (Or had)


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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My close friend is due her little boy on tuesday and the midwife has just told her baby is possible breach and she is off for a scan tomorrow. She didnt ask much detail and has been asking me but i didnt have a section so not much help -
So ladies what have you been told? When will they want to do the c section? xx
Didnt want to read and run.
Not had any experience of a finding out a baby is breach this close to due date.
Usually they would try and manipulate the baby round before the c-section option, but obviously time isn't on her side.
Hope it all goes well x
hey hun

no experience of breech baby but i did have a c-section but 10 years ago now!! if this is the option best for baby then it aint all that bad as long as she has support for when she is out the hospital :)

recovery is a lot longer than natural delivery and will need help as moving around and doing things can be quite difficult in the first week or so and you cant drive for 6 weeks after section, cant remember much else as it was a long time ago buut there are a few girls around who have had c-sections over the last few weeks so they may be able to giv u more info :) xxx
Hi I had a section due to size of my baby... She was 9 14lb oz and it was on my due date. It was planned and was an amazing experience. I imagine they will aim for her due date tbh x
My hospital do c sections for breech at 38 weeks and book them at 36 weeks x
Don't forget to tell her it's not impossible to have a vaginal breech :wink: (unless they're footlong breech). Worth asking if they have trained staff that are able to do it, if of course that was what she wanted.

I've heard planned sections can be lovely. Recovery wise, just tell her to take it very slowly and keep up to date with pain meds :)
Thanks girls i will tell her what you said, she is already 39 weeks and so cutting it close she could go into labour any time and need an emergency, we wont know how the baby is until tomorrow im wishing he will turn for her!

I know when my sister in law had hers she was 38 weeks and obviously my friend is past that, Also im annoyed the MW she went to hasnt spotted it before now as mine knew every time where the head was and most women are told at about 36 weeks if baby is breech!

She is coming for a cuppa tomorrow before scan so will have a good chat to her, i offered to go to scan if her mum or OH can't because its so soon and a work day but will see tomorrow if she needs support. she is really quiet and wont ask questions so i feel like going just as a voice iykwim?
I loved my section (although it was emergency) and will be doing it again! She'll be fine as long as she has support and relaxes :)

I had my emergency section after failed induction. I was so happy to have it in the end. It isn't easy to get over but I as just glad to be alive and my little boy to be safe too. x I think she should talk it all over with her consultant who will be able to have a more detailed talk to her about pros and cons and other options if she wants natural x
I had a section and would def have another, not even half as bad recovery or pain as I had imagined. It's been great :)
Well in the end i went to the hospital with her and she is all booked in, the scan showed an awquard breech and because she is so far on they advised not to try turn, she is happy i think - they said you need to be booked for the next available appointment but we dont book weekends so monday morning! She planned on having her hair done but will be having her baby instead now lol. I told her what you girls said and i think it made her feel better xx
I will im so excited cant wait until she has got him in her arms safe and sound x

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