so fed up


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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Oh, i havent had a full nights sleep in 9 nights now 9(not that im counting)... I know i should get used to it for when LO arrives but its so irritating. Im never tired the next day and just get on with stuff its jut the waking up and lying there forever. It takes me about 45 minutes to get to sleep, then iwake up every 2-3 hours WIDE awake for another 30-45 minutes before i can drift back off....
I have tried everything to knock myesf out but even if it makes initially getting to sleep easier im still wide awake. Last night i read when i woke up to make my eyes tired, but when it csme to the act of sleep NOTHING!raaaaaaaaaaaar!

apparently though, it doesnt affect me too much during the day lol except for today im knackered, but 9 days is good going! Some nights i will wake up and manage to doze off relatively quickly - thats been 3 nights out of the 9.....

Also, keep getting some crampy pains in my bump. Nothing serious at all but sometimes crampy pains. its more uncomfortable pain than painful...

Anyone else suffering with insomnia? suggestions for meaning??
Iv been getting this for a few weeks i wake up every night at 2-3am and im up for over an hour and iv had 1-2nights where iv had a full sleep but then them 2nights my OH has woken up at 2-3 so he gets it when i dont lol apparently its something to do with getting ready for baby but im not too sure :) x
Ahh you poor thing, I think how lucky I am that I'm sleeping so well but it could change at any point I guess, maybe have a chat to midwife? How far gone are you? X
would have gone to doctorsthis week, but i have mw on monday so im going to tell her that i want sleep! 34+2.....ach im so jealous you're sleeping!

Its not the lack of sleep thats been killing me, just the frustration that im waking up constantly. If this is what its like when LO's here, i think i could cope a little better than i thought but not when its for no bloody reason! x
Squeakz! I feel you - I am exactly the same!! Im normally such a good sleeper - But without fail every night I wake up around 3 / 4 am and I am WIDE Awake till about 7am!! its horrible!! Then I cant sleep past 9am!!! :( Im not tired through the day! But by 10pm - Im sooooooooooooooooooo tired - go to bed and nothing!! I dont normally get to sleep till about 1am!!!! NIGHTMARE!!! Only good thing - I am well prepared for night feeds :( But would really like some sleep now x
I've not had too much trouble going to sleep but have had quite a few nights recently where I've woken up and not been able to get back to sleep for 40 mins or so. I've started using the time to go to the loo and then practice my relaxation for hypnobirthing - that helps get me back off to sleep again after a while.
when i wake up in the night (not every night) it dont bother me that i dont go back to sleep cuz i got so much to think about that times flies and i look at time and realise that i been awake for an hour.. but it feels like 10 min.
I feel it does affect me tho, i get more tired during the day. but i have also read its to prepear us for BABY TIME!!
its horrible. it is just the not being able to sleep thts frustrating me. just the feeling when i get in to bed and i know that im going to spend hours asleep and listenting to OH sleeping lol
I go to sleep about midnight (lucky i dont work) my OH is already snoring away by that time.. i then wake up around 4/5 times a night to go to the toilet ( bladder pressure ) :) then i find i manage to drift off each time within 10 mins. I think its another joy during pregnancy you just have to live with x

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