So effing peed off!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I am sick of the crappy kids round here! We've moved recently and it's not the best area but it's not the worst area either. DD loves playing out in the garden and one of her friends from school lives two doors down so they play together a lot, especially since they are both really into dolls. I don't mind her friend coming round and playing and staying for lunch etc as it's nice for DD. But there's a brother and sister who are the dirtiest, scroatiest, rudest most badly behaved children. The girl is a year, maybe two years, older than DD (who's 6) and the boy is a year or two younger. The boy swears, runs around the streets, is never clean and is so rude! Yesterday I allowed the girl to come in and play with DD and her friend as they were washing the doll clithes and pegging them out and she looked left out, well this little brat (the boy) came into the garden whilst the girls were creating a bomb site in my lounge and stole 6 pegs. Ok so it's only pegs but not really the point! Anyway we've been out this afternoon and DD's been out playing in the garden for maybe half an hour with her friend when I could gear our gate being rattled. So I went out to see and this shitty little kid was climbing over my gate. So I said 'get off my gate please' to which I got a stream of verbal abuse back. He buggered off after that but it makes the atmosphere on the street horrid! Plus I hate confrontation! There's no real point to this thread but I need to rant or I'll cry! Terrorised by a sodding 4 year old! Any ideas what I can do? His parents are rarely home and the kids are left to be looked after by random family members so telling his parents is out of the question plus they wouldn't give a bag of poo! Aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh! It's ruining everything for me! I like my house but I hate this!
What a little sod... He needs to respest you if you say no to coming in! It's your house, not his or his parents! Lacey's only 4 and ive taught her respect and she'd never just invite herself into someones garden and she def would never take anything even if it was just pegs!
Lacey plays with 2 boys that live in our street and one who is 5 really annoys me! I get told to calm down cos he's only 5 but he actually bugs the hell out of me! He'll come into my house, drop juice all over the floor then say he's got to go home so he doesn't have to clear it up! If lacey takes her bike or scooter out to play he'll knock on the door saying laceys not sharing even though it's her stuff!!! And if laceys doing something i don't agree with, he'll say well im aloud because im older! Well i don't bloody care about him lol! I haven't had words with his parents but ive banned him from our house which didn't go down well, he started crying opps!
I think the next time he tries coming in just say i'm sorry but your not allowed in. By the sound of the way he's been brought up, i don't think it'll take long for him to get over it!
I know what you mean about respect, DD's been taught respect from the earliest age, I respect her (we knock on her bedroom door etc) and she respects us and others but this brat obviously has no respect and will never have any! It just really annoys me that people who have kids will just let them roam the streets (this kid lives across a busy road) and let them get away with anything and everything. DD's not allowed out of our garden except to go to her friends garden. Both kids know they're not allowed in but he still attempted to climb the gate! Grrrrr! Think electrified fencing'd be a step too far?! Lol (only joking) x
oh hun, just stand your grounds and dont let him in. But remember to tell him WHY he is not aloud in your garden. Tell him he is using a unecsepteble language and being rude, eitherway he will get so jelous and he will behave cuz he want to be play with them, or he will get over it and go somewhere else. Its not me telling you to show him how to behave but if he wants to be on your ground, its your rules. xx
Meant to say thank you! Glad I'm not the only one! x
What a bloody nightmare :( hugs xxx
Awww I hate it when one scroaty family bring down an otherwise nice street :hug: xx
Im praying I don't get any of this when my kids are a bit older where we used to live a 12 and a 11 yr. old came to call for my kids that were 2 and a baby for a whole year!!!! Did my nut in and every time I told them no they would just come into the garden we tried to ignore them like we haft noticed but I think they were jut board every school holiday and some weekend they would come round did my nut in they even started throwing food at the house once!! In the end i told the older girl I didn't like her and told her I'm not having it around my
House the way she talked (screamed) at her mum on the phone and around my Kids at each other it was like ing your gonna teach my babies to act like this!! She got the hint for a while then started calling for them again I was like get the hint they are babies!!! They are too young to go out but luckily we moved like a week later she asked where too I just said west Bromwich coz we only moved a row of houses up but it's classed as a different part haha but she don't need to know that!

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Thankfully they buggered off after I told him, nicely but firmly, to get off my gate and haven't been back! It just makes me think where do their parents think they are?! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's experienced this though, it's actually comforting. I'm more worried about them making some bull up and getting their parents round as I hate confrontation but they seem like the type of family that'd do stuff sneakily rather than face to face iygwim?

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