Is it just me?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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It's 8pm and there is a 4/5 year old boy (doesn't look old enough for school) running about outside our house in the road and every so often a few older kids, about 6 year old I reckon, are with him. They don't live down our road. It's 8pm. Seriously, do people let their really wee kids out at this time?

I wouldn't let them out the front at all at that age. Surely they can play in the garden, although I'd have thought a 4 year old would be in bed at this time.

Is it just me? Maybe I'm too old school!

Not at all, I think the same tbh & Even when I was 13/14 I had to be in at 7:30pm

I think the streets are far too dangerous for children that young to be out, I know you can't wrap your children up in cotton wool forever but seriously though, he should be home

jeez my curfew was 8pm up until i turned 16 :shock: xx
I totally agree with you Hun x
That happens around my area too also little kiddies playing far too close to the main road :(
No parents around and they cant see them because of the positioning of the houses.
Phew, thanks! I know it's still light outside, but seems mad.

I had a curfew when I was a teenager as well. There is a girl across the road who is 14 and she is out til after 11, walking about with her friend! It's the school hols here, but still!

wow, I wasn't allowed out haha ;-) not unless it was a "sleepover" type event x
There's a bunch of 10-12 year olds living by me who are out every night past 10pm! It's seriously getting on my wick! They don't go to school as they've just moved to the area yet they don't play during the day, they come out at night when my kids are in bed!!
There's no way I'd let a 5/6 year old out at this time either!! Lacey goes to bed at 7, they have school in the morning!!
I was never allowed out either :lol: it doesn't surprise me tho unfortunately! Roun here, I see young kids being sent to morrisons and having to cross a really busy main road to get there! Always petrifies me!
That's mad hun!

It's quite quiet here tbh but it doesn't mean that there might not be a loony round about.


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