so dishartened, 21 day bloods!

Oh and they should do another couple of progesterone tests as you may be ovulating at a different time of the month (were not all the same) or maybe just skipped a month, which happens all the time and every few months in most women apparently! It doesn't mean anything if it's a one-off result so please don't worry. Even if the next tests were the same, it's an easy problem to fix with clomid or dietary changes and supplements x
I just knew I had pcos because of my acne and hair issues and irregular cycles but because I'm not overweight and at the time was very underweight and didn't have the classic pcos tummy weight my gp at the time wouldn't entertain it. A whole later I had a random 6 week period and was finally sent for a scan and low and behold the diagnosed pcos. Instinct is a powerful thing and sometimes you need to stick to your guns xx
Hi. no don't really have any other symptoms got some spots but not full on acne don't really have excess hair and I've always been chubby lol! My periods are regular from 28-30 every month. I got to speak to a female doctor yesterday and she wants to me book in for 2 day bloods(for pcos) and more 21 bloods when I come on this cycle. To be honest I think i'd want to be told I've not ovulated next cycle aswel because I feel that's when the doctor might take me serious. I had a internal scan done when they found a polyp on my cervix and got told I 'might' have pcos. asked the doc if I don't ov next cycle whats the next step and she told me it would be to be referred to fertility clinic and check my tubes xxxx
im driving myself crazy googling pcos, fertility drugs, ovulation, blah blah blah lol xxx
Hi elen! Just wanted to say I know what your going through. I've had mine done and it looks like I didn't ov this month either, although I think it's because I got 21 day bloods and started AF on cd22!

I would definitely say that must b the reason for u hun, because with 21 day bloods they expect you to come on 7 days after don't they??? well I had mine done on the 23rd but still waiting on af! xx

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