So angry!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2015
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So, my brothers partner is currently pregnant, due the beginning of Jan (and jesus christ she is the most jealous person you will EVER meet in your life.)

Last year, I was pregnant at the same time with my 1st as my older sister was with her 4th, I was just 2 weeks ahead. I LOVE the fact that I was sharing my pregnancy (not so thrilled that she had created a baby with the bloke she did however) but happy to have due dates so close! Well let's bare this in mind.

Okay, so my little boy is an absolute angel. I'm not just saying that because he is mine, because I'd be happy to admit if my baby gave me the run around day in day out. But he is genuinely the easiest going little boy I've ever came across (so much so that his chilled behaviour points to autism as he is so quiet, amongst other things.)
I only get to see my parents about once a month (twice at a push) as I moved away to move in with my partner 3 years back. My sister however, is kind of living there at the moment as a refuge from her abusive husband. Now don't get me wrong, her children are absolutely lovely, but VERY loud and demanding. So when my parents see my litlun, it's a different story. But they loves all their grandchildren equally!!

So when I'm down with my baby and partner, my family make a big fuss of him- MY SISTER IN LAW HATES THIS!! Ever since the day my son was born, she has begrudged him. She absolutely adores my niece however and gives her all the time in the world. She completely ignores my boy, for no reason (or atleast we thought it was for no reason. As I've bit my tongue for 14 months and not questioned her about it to avoid arguments.)

Well it came out of the woodwork the other day that she PURPOSELY ignores my baby because 'he gets enough attention'. I mean proper ignores. Just the other day, my brother held him, pointed to his girlfriend and said 'who's that?' And she point blank refused to even acknowledge him. When the conversation is about him, she changes the subject or doesnt join in and she compares him to my neice all the time.
Get this, their 2 birthdays were a month apart (my neice was e weeks late just to clarify) my boy got a card from "them" - I say "them" as my brother has made it clear that she picks and chooses presents etc and he pays for them.
when it was my neices birthday, she got her a card and 2 presents from next so I'm told.

Well now it gets to the here and now part, the gritty part.

My current pregnancy was announced the other day, my brother sent over his congratulations and shared an interest. I never heard a word from her!
When they shared the news I was genuinely happy for them, despite the fact I hadn't long lost a pregnancy and was trying myself!
That night all that was reported back to me from family was that this girl was annoyed as "I'm going to get all the attention!!". I don't even live near my family for starters!! They live 5 minute walk away!!

Well LAST NIGHT, something came over me and gave me a brainwave. I thought I'd Google her username that she uses for everything and I knew somewhere that there'd have been something said about me if she was on a pregnancy group.
I hit the jackpot on Babycentre...

I could not believe my eyes.
Listed under 'I need a rant!'
she told this forum how me and my sister were pregnant at the same time last year, and how i had always moaned about my sister being pregnant at the same time as it was my time. And now i was doing it to her.
How I'm the favourite child and how my baby will get all the attention from my family and not hers, blah blah blah.

For starters, I knew my sister was pregnant from start of Oct! My brother didn't even start seeing this girl until the january after! By our joint baby shower, I had probably said two words to her. I had my baby shortly after! Now I doubt in those 2 words I would have expressed how upset I was that my sister was pregnant too!! Utter trash!! NEVER had I ever said anything along those lines, and certainly not to her!! I confide everything in my litle sister and she'd certainly know if I was ever jealous of our big sister, but even she was lost!

My adrenaline was so damn crazy last night after reading it and the comments under it saying how "jealous" and "childish" I am!! Haha, bloody ha!! I was LIVID.
I've never been one to argue but blimming heck, I flipped.
We have a family group chat on whatsapp and this idiot is in it.
I screen shot it and posted it on there. NO response from her, however my brother read it and said he'd never been so embarassed in his life and how shocked he was.
He asked her of she had wrote on any forums about me, which she denied, then he told her to check her whatsapp. Apparently she got in a huff (AS ALWAYS!) and went and locked herself in their bathroom.

I can't tell you how angry I was. My body was in spasm from adrenaline, I was shaking so bad I couldn't breathe and couldn't even hold my phone. My body hurt where it was out of control, it took about 45 minutes to calm down a bit.

I AM NOT A JEALOUS PERSON. Okay, with money I am and with nice houses I am. But I'd never be jealous of a baby, and I'd never hold any my jealousy against anyone. I'd never mistreat them etc.
I seriously think she had mental issues. Who on earth goes out of their way to ignore a BABY, especially when they're pregnant themselves?

I'm still to have this out with her, but I WILL!! If she thinks she is embarassed now, she won't know what has hit her when I bring up the jealousy issues surrounding my little boy.

She is dirt! There is so much more i could go into but I'll leave it there, as this already ridiculously long. As she likes to slag me off over pregnancy forums, I thought I'd do the same back. But with facts rather than delusions that hers consist of :fib:

Had to get this much off my chest, as I'm sure no person in their right mind would act the way she has.
Can I also add, there has never been any issue between us, I had never been rude to her, I have never done anything to her. Every thing she has against me and my son is down to jealousy- what she's jealous of, I have no idea. They have a nice house, they have money, they have everything I crave- yet she's the jealous one?!
I don't get her, I really dont. Makes me sick!!
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Wow! Makes my family seem ok! Hope things gets sorted xx
Everything aside, there is no way in god's earth that anyone with an ounce of compassion or love in their body could ignore a baby who is trying to engage with them. What a cruel women.
I just pray she see's sense when her baby arrives, for the hope of that baby.

Hope you get it sorted out, in whatever way you can.

PP xXx
She sounds like a dick, there's always one in the family don't let it stress u too much although easier said then done. She probably feels a right whooper now xx
I literally smiled when you said you posted it on whatsapp! THAT is brilliant. I hope she finds this thread!
Sorry your wee boys ignored
Thankfully he won't see her much and still quite young to notice
Bugger her. Some people cant help themselves
She will think what she thinks
Just do what's right for you
She can lump it or like it x
Thank you ladies, I'm glad you all understand.
I just don't understand her ways.

A few months back, we were all sat in the garden around at table and I was speaking civil to her about things.
She was saying how they want to move (they've lived in their current house for like a year) and the discussion was about finding a new place to live. Bit stupid choosing a house that had dangerously steep stairs with no proper bannister whilst supposedly trying for a baby for starters...
I told her how we couldn't afford to get together a deposit to rent a bigger place, the only way we could do it was if we moved back in with my parents whilst we saved it up (which was my dad's suggestion). I was saying how this would be our ONLY opportunity of moving back closer to my family so my family could see my little boy grow up and how desperate I was for my family to see him more.
I also said how my dad had offered to look after DS a few hours a week so I could find myself a part time job until he went to nursery.
Well she instantly got her back up, and said how they were depending on my parents to help with their baby (even though my parents hadn't offered- she has her own mother and father nearby down the road, that don't have other children to look after).

The other day, my brother told my dad how she wanted him to ask my parents if they could move in for a year whilst they saved up! How spiteful, knowing full well that'd be my ONLY option of moving near to my family. Not only that, but how she wanted my brother to ask my mum to look after the baby so she could go back to work!!

If i had never mentioned any of this to her, it would never have even popped into her head to ask for the charity of my parents. And now she's trying to get in there before I take up my dad's offer, as she knows it will eff everything up for me and my family's future.

The funny thing is, my parents have refused this- so that's backfired on her! My dad's reassured me that he won't have her living back there with them (he'd have my brother back in a heartbeat however) and the offer is always going to be there for me and mine.

But it's just these stupid immature little games. She doesn't realise (well she probably actually does) that her jealousy is actually messing with what comes of my life, my fiances life and my babies lives and that's what makes me so angry. I could NEVER treat anyone like that, even if I hated them!! xx
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All I will say is WOW! Some women are seriously mental! Hilarious that you found her posts and showed everyone on family whatsapp though lol, fair play to you! x
She is clearly an absolute dick! My sister in law is a dick too so I know the feeling.
I was 20 weeks with my youngest when she fell pregnant....although wasn't happy that it took her longer to conceive as we'd been trying the same amount of time....she doesn't bother with any of my kids, so queue me doing the same once she had a baby, which sparked a kick off (doesn't like a taste of her own medicine), she didn't even crack a smile on the day of our wedding as it wasn't all about her. Spoilt and jealous is what these ppl are. And how awful to blatantly ignore your baby boy. I don't have much to do with my SILs baby but would never ignore him and always pick him up and play with him if I do see them.
Good on you for showing her true colours to the rest of your family xx
Ignoring your child is downright evil - she sounds like she has a lot of issues!

However - the second part of your post (about moving back home) - If I was your SIL I would probs be offended! Granted her timing was crap, she should never have tried to get in there before you, but how can you offer one of your children the chance to move home to save money and not another? I've been brought up in a house were what my mum/dad does for one they do for the other no matter what. I think SIL was cheeky asking when they knew its your plans but I also think it's a bit shocking your rents have said no, but the offer still stands for you!

Reading between the lines (and I might be way of course) but I think your sil's issue lies with your rents and she's re-directing her anger onto your family! My mil/fil do a lot more for my oh brothers children than they ever have for my lg, breaks my heart that they have two completely different relationships! But I would never take it out on BIL/kids, it's my issue with mil/fil and if I ever feel like it needs addressing it will be with them!

Or I could be completely wrong, but I that would be my guess! X
By the way I'm in no way justifying her behaviour! Just speculating what might be the cause!! Bloody families!! :-) xx

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