So angry!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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Said I was going to stop posting depressing crap on here but this has to be bloody well told.

I'm a whole new level of fuming!

OH's little skank has lied so many times over the due date I don't know if he was late, on time, early, whatever but the little brat has just decided to email me a picure of her son saying :

'Look what you're making him miss out on. Just because you failed as a parent doesn't mean he has to.'

I'm devistated. I want my little boy to cuddle and love and look after and I want my man home to cuddle and love and look after me! My poor little man should have been 5 weeks old by now but instead we've just had to 'celebrate' his 8month 'birthday'.

God I hate her.
I don't know the background story to this but she doesn't sound like a nice person at all n I hope you're ok. There's always people out there who want to bring us down but they always seem to crawl out of their hole when we are at our lowest unfortunately xxxx
Oh my gosh hunny that is awful, I'm not surprised ur fuming!! :hugs: I don't really know ur back story but that is a low blow for any one to make. Don't ever believe what she wrote u haven't failed as a parent, ur little boy was just too special to spend his time with u now, he is ur angel baby watching over u :hugs:

I am actually crying writing this as I honestly can't believe someone would write that to someone who has lost a child, she is just jealous of ur relationship, thinking of u hunny :hugs: xxx
You have every reason to be fuming, did you show OH the message? She is a spiteful mare. Hope you ok xxx
as the others have said i dont know your story but this is the just terrible i cant imagine why anyone wud write such a thing, has made me fuming too!!

Michelle. x
her baby is my OH's and she wont let him have contact while we're together- hence the email.

She knows about our loss and thats mainly why I refuse to have anything to do with his family because they've all sided with and agree with what she's said(bet you can imagine how low it all was after this=[)

I've told OH against my better judgement with him being on tour right now. Which is another thing I cant understand! She had a massive paddy over him not being at the first scan when she didn't tell him about it and he lives in germany while he's at work!

We offered her friendship and now she's guilt tripping me all the time. I felt bad enough that OH has already changed his 'home' address from his parents to mine and completely wiped them from his military will and made my family benificiaries of his life insurance should anything happen and I knew it was like I was taking him away from them. Now I feel awful that it's because of me that little boy wont see his Dad.

No idea what to do. Hate bothering him and worrying him while he's away =[ xxxxx
surely if u oh wanted to see his little boy his ex cant stop him? if she does then u could go through the courts to get access, not the way u want to go around things but a solution. Its not ur fault he won't get to see his dad and there are things that can be done to sort that out. I know it must be so hard with him being away, but dont ever feel as though u took him away from everyone as he made his own choices :hugs: xx
It was a one night stand, and shes a reputation and refuses to use the courts because she doesn't feel like she hs to 'prove' her baby's paternity. Which is someone was saying they had doubts over any future child of mines paternity I would look into testing to prove them wrong so it couldn't be brought up in yeras to cme but whatever thats what I'd do.

I wish I didn't feel how I do over him then I could just walk away and let him play happy families with them.
hun u shouldn't have to feel that u have to leave him because of the way she is, it really is an awkward situation u are in. i wish i had better advice for u and could make u feel better but i just dont know what to say. xxx
its okay hun thank you for everything though, just needed someone to tell me it wasn't my fault.
Hate how hiswhole family find it funny to put all over facebook and crap that he's not standing up to his responsibilities blahblah .... excuse me but I thought he had a responsibility that comes above anything a civvie life could be thrown! It's not like he's gone away for a holiday =[ and to us until she proves it then the only civvie responsibility he has is as a fiance to me. Seeing as they seem to think he's dirt.

Wanna move to the moon
The civvie/work life clash is so tough, can't imagine how hard it must and to even believe paternity. She sounds like a real piece of work, don't understand why family are on her side though. You poor thing. How long is his tour, 6 months?
She's playing the poor old me he left me with a baby and although I'm a big girl who lives with her parents and has a stable job and until I decided to use hard core drugs had no problems in my life card and their lapping it up.

Don't know everything she's told them but what we've (me, OH and his brother) have told them they should have back the f*ck off!

and Yeh 6 months, hopefully back mid Nov for R&R then for good in march fingers crossed. His second, my first and al in all- I'm a wreck tbh lol! If he was home then I could see their point in sending him crappy emails over forgetting birthdays or not even calling HER or whatever but he's not. They've already nearly lost one son and their pushing OH away and blaming me.

But whatever, if they don't want to play nice, he's said hes cutting all contact if they don't play nice over a visit when he's home under his terms and not theirs or hers. Including me being there and if anyone says a damn thing or treats me funny I will embarass them and point it all out and be the childish little brat they seem to think I am.

Urghhh people..... can't be doing with them xxxxx
You arent stopping that child from seeing his dad, His horrible horrible mother is and isnt it amazing that YOU have more care about that childs relationship with his father than his own mother does. The truth will come out one day and she will have to explain to her darling child why he has no relationship with his dad!

its nothing to do with you, you've done nothing wrong so dont feel bad

so sorry for your loss, i am sure it will happen for you guys and a lot of this raw hurt will fade away

hugs xx
how awful argh i would be sooo mad i think i would burst. HUgs for you hunny
Thank you so much everyone.

Hit another low - we were going to try in November when he's back for two weeks or if we didn't get the chance as soon as he got home. But he's turned around today and said he never wants anymore children. I feel like I've lost each child we'd planned because they were real to me! They might not have been conceived but they were me babies.

Don't know if I should try and talk to him or not.
he is probably feeling pressured due to that spiteful bitch, if this is his only experience of having kids she is making it so hard for him so he probably thinks having another would make it worse. Try explaining that you are different ( she sounds out of this world ridiculous ) and that your baby would be a whole other story..........a happy one at that
he's sort of changed his mind now - I think he was more bothered if something went wrong because I did not cope in the slightest last time but there was also a lot of other things going on at the time so wa a combination of I was being treated like scum by the exes family (still get the occassional comment whenever I bump ito them) I wasn't happy in my own family and then loosing Billie all in one go, But this time theres none of that and I'm an awful lot stronger emotionally.

Thanks so much for this guys, sometimes I really feel like it's my fault it's all kicking off then I come on here and your all telling me its not me its her being a whole new level of loonytunes xxx

Thanks again!! xxxx
lol feel free to rant hun, we all do it. Not too sure on your story so far but i hope things look up for you in the future. Minus horrible cows parading children around like they are bargaining tools

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