So upset :( :( :(

I think your feelings have been completely understandable, especially given the awful situation you had to go through. I would have expected more form my OH in that situation and I think you are right to. I'm so so glad he came back more reasonable, its sounds like you've both aired a lot of suppressed feelings and that can only be good. I hope for him he start to release that emotion and I hope he'll find a way to do that in the forest. :hug:
Hi DragonFly,

So sorry to hear this....I don't really know the full background, but from what you have said, I don't think there is any excuse to treat you like this! Everyone, (men and women) deal with M/C differently....but even though he says it hasn't effected him, he should still be aware of your feelings and what you have been through (which sounds like a hell of alot!!). I am sure you have tried to talk to him and make him aware of just how this has effected you (which no women should really have to explain). I would be furious if my man treated me like this, I do not blame you for being so angry at him!!! I hope that he comes to his senses soon, and if not, I hope that you can find a way to resolve this so that you take care of YOU!!! Let us all know how things are going?

Hi Dragon....just seen your other post, glad all is ok now!!! Keep us updated though xxx
Its okay, we are a strong family and we will get through it x I just need him to open up about it a bit more. I can see where he is coming from, thinking by holding his feelings away from me it will help me, but it doesnt, it just makes me feel like the only person in the world.

He understands that more and we will go and have a cry together, i think its what we both need x

All couples have their ups and downs, and after what you have been through it is natural to go through raw periods of are so different in how they deal with emotions, some men get us ladies more than others...but its good that he is opening up to you more, and hopefully he will learn to understand your feelings, and he will learn to say the right things!! Men definitely think that by holding their feelings back they are helping us ladies, my man did that too when we we're first told I had a missed M/C. I asked him why he was acting a bit 'cold' and 'distant', and he explained that he didnt mean to come across that way, but he was feeling upset by it all too but didnt want me to see that as he figured I would be going through alot worse!!!
It is good that you are working through it together now, and can support each other xxxx
I actually had a still birth not a miscarriage KM

thank you for your words, i know he doesnt mean it - it is hard though x
Hi Fi,
Such an awful ordeal you have been through, and no its not comparable to an early miscarriage.
Im sure Liam is really hurting in his own way.Its good that you have been able to talk about how you feel.
I also think that it will be so good for you both to cry together. Maybe get a babysitter for Jasper so you can both be alone
with your angel and grieve.
Like i said in a previous post, you need to let it out. Dont take this grief into your next pregnancy (although of course you will be anxious that goes without saying).
Such an awful thing for both of you, dont let it push you apart, you need each other now and so does jasper and your future child. You are doing fantastic dont forget that. xxx
hope everything is ok now though fi, of course a stillbirth is so so diffferent to and early MC, the trauma you have had is so terrible you are amazing to have such positivity over it.

Losing a child is so hard, so sad that everyone here shares such a sad burden at whatever stage they went through the loss

hugs to all you loveyl ladies xx

fi, any progress on the tatt?
More on the tattoo tonight i think :) that reminds me, i need to phone the tattoo company because they sold us a dodgy UV light!
are you having all the outline in UV? Never seen a UV tatt, it only just came out when i was doiung it
we are going to try and play around with the UV, the wings will be UV and there will be some outlining done in it... whatever works :)

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