Smoking outside hospitals


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2012
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Is it just me, or are maternity hospitals some of the most smokey places around? They seem to be worse that pub doorways! Every time I go to mine, there have been literally dozens of patients and visitors hanging around the doors having a (not even crafty) cig. There are huge signs all over the place saying that smoking isn't permitted anywhere on site, but they just go for it anyway. I'm still really sensitive to smells right now, and cigarette smoke is one of the things which really makes me feel quite poorly, and the smell sticks to your clothes. I appreciate that people can choose to smoke if they like, but I find it so unfair how I'm made to feel even more sick just because I have to walk by a lot of really inconsiderate people. Hospitals are supposed to be safe clean places for pregnant women! *rant over*
my hospital is the same sad evan more sad when out side maternity unit x
You should come to my work (I work in a children's hospital!) and people don't care.
I've seen kids in wheelchairs, tubes up their nose being parked up outside the front door with parents smoking next to them x
I feel like a ranty busybody on my soapbox! :roll:

There have been a few occasions when I've had to go to the emergency gynecology unit, and I just makes me feel even more upset and stressed every time.

My maternity ward is attached the the main hospital but has it's own entrance.

I've been there loads as it's where my EPU is too and I've never noticed? The entrance itself is quite small (just a set of electronic doors) and there physically isn't space to block the door so I guess all the smokers stand elsewhere.

My sister had my nephew in this hospital in March 2011 and I was still a smoker then, I think I watied until I was well away from the hospital until I sparked up after visiting... :shock:
Yeah, we saw the poor kids today having to sit there whilst their parents smoked. It's bad enough anyway, but when they're obviously so poorly you'd think their parents would just do anything to help them.
My maternity ward is attached the the main hospital but has it's own entrance.

I've been there loads as it's where my EPU is too and I've never noticed? The entrance itself is quite small (just a set of electronic doors) and there physically isn't space to block the door so I guess all the smokers stand elsewhere.

My sister had my nephew in this hospital in March 2011 and I was still a smoker then, I think I watied until I was well away from the hospital until I sparked up after visiting... :shock:

I used to smoke too. Maybe that reformed smoker thing is happening to me! It's just courtesy when it says not to smoke, to erm, well, not smoke!
its really bad outside our hospital both normal hospital and maternity i have even seen some of the staff out there as well xx
Our staff are not allowed to smoke on site, it's a disciplinary if they do (and they don't do it) but I walk through clouds of smoke to get in every day x
Its the same at my hospital. I worked there for 4yrs and its always been the same.
Any time I've gone in, I've had to walk by visitors and heavily pregnant women in their pyjamas having a smoke right at the door. Its vile!!

When I was admitted for hyperemesis, I remember sitting in the waiting room which is right at the entrance, and the whole room stank of smoke! It was awful! :( x

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Again i also work in a hospital, ive seen women in labour having their "last cig before labour progresses". Yes i was a smoker but i gave up but blimey whilst in labour having one is madness i wouldnt wanna risk having my baby outside, the maternity unit is on the top floor lol
Everytime someone blows smoke in my face I throw up these days!

I can't stand it
It's like emerging from the 'Stars in Your Eyes' door at my maternity unit. Makes me mad, it's so ignorant!! Xx
I make really exaggerated coughing noises as I walk in the door, no one cares though, I find smokers very selfish to be honest. Go and poison yourself elsewhere please, me and my unborn child don't want to breathe it :( x
My hospitals the same! Outside the A&E entrance and outside the main entrance, its horrible. I try and hold my breath through it and let some coughs out when I'm almost out of the smokey fog. It's absolutely disgusting that people do that in a place where there are so many vulnerable people around and in a place where people have to walk.
It's like emerging from the 'Stars in Your Eyes' door at my maternity unit. Makes me mad, it's so ignorant!! Xx

Love that, so funny and so true, brilliant ! may just make me giggle next time I walk though one of those doorways thank you, that's pure gold. lol:rofl:
It's the fact that they are sooo selfish and couldn't really give a shit for anyone else around them. I'm not anti smoking, you want to poison yourself, go ahead. It's when they start to push their smoke onto everyone else who doesn't have a choice in the matter. Roy Castle is a prime example of the power of passive smoking, the guy never smoked a day in his life yet died of lung cancer through passive smoking. In fact, it is thought that the second hand smoke that we all breathe in because of these ignorant b@stards is more harmful than the smoke they are breathing in!!!! Grrrrrr x
It's the fact that they are sooo selfish and couldn't really give a shit for anyone else around them. I'm not anti smoking, you want to poison yourself, go ahead. It's when they start to push their smoke onto everyone else who doesn't have a choice in the matter. Roy Castle is a prime example of the power of passive smoking, the guy never smoked a day in his life yet died of lung cancer through passive smoking. In fact, it is thought that the second hand smoke that we all breathe in because of these ignorant b@stards is more harmful than the smoke they are breathing in!!!! Grrrrrr x

I'm with you on this one xx
Your right cosmic, my childrens grandfather died of lung cancer never smoked in his 74 years but loved playing drums in a band working local pubs and clubs it's very sad when he wasn't even given the choice to smoke . At least we're now safer inside the buildings than we were before . xx
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