small bump, growth scan


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
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Had an appointment at the hospital yesterday, just for routine note checking, bloods taken (transferred hospitals) so all was pretty normal.
Had the Doppler which was nice, little monkey was his usual kicky self trying to kick off the probe.
But when I was measured it seems I'm small for how many weeks I am (about 22cm and I'm 27 weeks) the midwife says because I'm relatively tall and slim and was quite fit before becoming pregnant, that it shouldn't be a problem.
But I've been referred for a growth scan this morning..I'm really worried babies too small or there's something wrong :(
Kicking away as normal but they're obviously a little worried getting me in so quickly.
Has anyone got any experience of this? growth scans or small bumps/babies?
Appointment's soon, fingers crossed Xx
I was consultant led 2nd pregnancy because my 1st son was nearly 10lb. I went for the app they measured my bump and I was 3 weeks beind so went from worrying he was big to being sent for a scan the next day for a small baby. I had the scan and he was measuring big! I dont think bump measuring is very accurate. But they will always send you for a scan which is good it will put your mind at rest and u get an extra scan. I'm sure all will be ok. X
When they measured my bump, it seemed to measure bigger than it should've been at my gestation. I had a scan and baby was growing in normal range. When they measure the bump with the little take measure, it is just a rough estimate, the scan will prove more accurate hun. Try not to worry. Keep us updated xxx
I understand your concern Hun. I was in exactly the same position.

I'm tall and slim and had 4 growth scans. My last 1 they estimated Luca would be about 5lb. He was born 7lb1, 3 weeks early.

I could hide my bump easily right up until I give birth and I walked out of the hospital with a flat stomach. Count yourself lucky haha. I had the same anxiety as you though and it's good to have the growth scan to reassure you xx
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Good luck for the scan and that your baby boy is fine in there. I don't have any advice on growth scans but I've been given one at 36wks being consultant led for ivf. Xx
Hello. My 21 month old was measuring small. My bump had reduced in size I was sent for a growth scan at 35 weeks. Baby had dropped from 25th centime to 9th I was admitted and given steroids. I was induced at 37 weeks to a healthy 6lb4 baby girl.

My other daughter was 5lb 8 at 38 weeks. I just have small babies x x
thank you all for your reply's..had my appointment and everything was fine, so relieved :)
baby boy is measuring fine and seems perfectly happy in there, could've cried..I was so worried. healthy little size despite my small bump. 27 weeks and 5 days with measurements all okay. like you said, good they're being cautious.
Good luck to you all and thank you again, nice to have the support on here, very much appreciated Xx
Glad everything is ok blueberry.

I had growth scans due to measuring small with both my babies, With my first they still said she was measuring small at the scan so had to have another scan 2 weeks later to check she was growing. That was stressful, but again all shown to be fine. With my second little girl they said she was fine at 1st growth scan.

1st was born at 39+4 weighing 6lb 10 and 2nd born 40+3 weighing 7lb 6 so both just nice sized babies. I am tall too (5ft 9) and think that does make a difference to bump x

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