Small bleed after sex last night (TMI)


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Well my mojo returned with a vengeance last night LOL much to the absolute delight of other half and we may have been a little too vigorous maybe as afterwards I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was a streak of bright red blood.

I dont feel overly concerned as I am a little sore down there today as well and wonder if it might be a small tear (OH took me from behind, sorry tmi I know :whistle:but it was easier to rest belly on pillows) and I dont think its coming from inside as it appears as a streak of bright red in the same sort of place on the tissue when I wipe during the day.

Anyone else had this?
I had the same problem a few years ago and I wasn't even pregnant lol! We had a rather vigorous session and I tore a bit downstairs. After much panicking and an embarrasing trip to the doc, all was ok. It healed after a couple of weeks but was quite sore - like a burning sensation every time I peed and wiped iykwim?

See ur doc or midwife if bleeding don't stop or gets worse.
I've had a bleed but it wasn't a fresh bleed, it was brown like old blood after sex. it continued for 3 days afterwords though, had to go to maternity unit and get swab taken and urine sample taken. Still waiting on swab result coming back but urine came back fine. My placenta is over the cervix too, so they are checking to see if the brown blood is the placenta or not, scary stuff !! I've had a fresh bleed a couple of weeks before it too, hadnt had intercourse but woke up at 4am and went to toilet and wiped and was fresh red blood and looked in the toilet and it was just all red blood, like there wasnt any urine there. Had to go up to maternity unit for that to get checked too. They listened to baby's heartbeat and gave me a scan, everything fine with baby but that's when they noticed my placenta is lying low and is covering the cervix, which maybe caused the fresh bleed but cannot say for deffinate. Myself and my other half have been advised not to have intercourse and i'm too take it easy and relax. Since i've just been lying in bed and watching telly but not doing anything i.e walking dogs, etc and it hasnt came back. Thankfully !
Since bein told i was pregnant i have not even attempted to have sex and this is why lol but hope your okay x
wow amanda arent you getting desparate?!?!?! i have the highest sex drive since being pregnant lol!!
I think if it was fresh blood he prob caught the side of you or something, when i had a swab done at hosp he said it may bleed and the swab wasnt painful or anything, so i would have thought it is prob ok, just take it a little easier next time!! xx
I bled after sex last time in Feb, and then gave it up for the whole Tri 1 next time round just as a precaution, but like Flexi Lexi, I relebted in Tri 2 , Iv'e got a huge sex drive at mo! and all seems fine.

Try not to worry sounds less baby related and more nookie related to me. even nookie the other way can bled from blood vessells being a bit more hoohaa in pregnancy, and nowhere near the baby

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